Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hillbounding Finale Nov.30 The Dirty Dozen

UPDATE 12-1-10

As I promised we did see snow today, not a lot but it is white. The forecast is for colder conditions making the possibility of at least pond skiing for real as we see freeze up. Check http://www.skinnyski.com/ for snow reports.

Stop, drop and roll. A fire safety drill? For the dozen skiers who ended the season of hillbounding tonight it meant simulating getting tripped up and recovering as you charge up the powerline hills. It also meant some dirty knees and a less than stylish way to “get back on” in the event you face plant during the Birkie (sooner or later it will happen).

Snow was falling and temps at Zero (C) as we finished the season with over a thousand collective reps up that hill. The group averaged 33 folks this season (a new record) and collectively performed at the highest level in recent memory. Critically speaking we had outstanding technical improvement and a higher level of technical understanding than ever before. I never worry about the physical output, the hill takes care of that and with a little testosterone thrown in, this workout can only be considered a brute!

So, where do you go from here? For some this is just a continuation of their summer training and for others it will continue with the 17th ANNUAL BIRKIE TRAINING CLASS that starts next Tuesday at the Aurora Sport Medicine Center. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for more info. As we approach snow note a few things. Take it easy. Get the ski legs under you and spend all your mental and physical effort working solely on TECHNIQUE. 50 to 100 km should be spent going slow and efficiently. There is absolutely no benefit to going hard early. Skiing alone and with a HRM is a good idea. Focusing on being technically good will pay big dividends later.

For those in the Birkie class expect an email soon. There will be some changes and even some (eeek) baseline testing. I would like to see some quantifiable improvements this year, expect some new ideas (yikes), they should not hurt………..much.

I had fun this year. You guys made it so and your hard work WILL pay off. You may even find it all downhill from here. There is only 9 months or so until we meet on the hill again so take advantage of your conditioning and your skills and we will see you on the trails. I will try and post here regularly so stay in touch. Please feel free to email me at goincomp@att.net Skal vi gå går på ski

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hillbounding Oct. 23 2010 Twenty Something

West Yellowstone MT, this past weekend. Keith and Andy suffered with conditions like this.

Darkness greeted the 10th hillbounding session of the year and it was a night with many elements. There were 25 skiers that braved the 22 degree temps while doing 29 reps. The city closes the park early after mid November so parking becomes a problem but we squeeze in where we can. Last night was the first time we saw below freezing temps and no one wearing shorts (although Matt did strip down to a tee). Next year (reminder to self) we will shift the last two sessions to Saturday mornings but unless there is snow we shall have our last session at its regular time and place. Check here for updates next Tuesday.

The cold slowed the warm up a little and things looked a little sluggish to start but after 30 minutes everyone was up to operating temperature and things went smooth. I am seeing less and less of the glaring mistakes and more and more ski like bounding. The improvement over the first few weeks is quite stunning (note that those first few sessions give you a huge head start later on). The intensity was quite high; you could really see the “fog” pouring out of everyone’s mouth when silhouetted against the night lights. Sweet!

We are less than two weeks away from Birkie Class 17. If you plan on doing it sign up now as we have a limit. There are a lot of couples this year, that means you guys will have to behave, I’m curious about that. See http://www.incompetition.com/html/runEventRegister.psp . We have heard a lot of ideas for the jackets; Try one on here at the store to reserve your size.

There is snow up north and even more in Eastern MN. We are only a week or two away so put http://www.skinnyski.com/ in your favorites and don’t forget to put in your own trail reviews but be careful for what you wish for http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=West+Yellowstone&state=MT&site=TFX&textField1=44.6622&textField2=-111.103&e=0 Note the -3 was the high!! The Noodleini Run is this weekend http://www.midwestsportsevents.com/noodleini.html but first the Turkey Trot takes off tomorrow http://www.festivalturkeytrot.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=41

We stoneground a few dozen skis this morning, snow is coming and we have just one more hillbounding session. Check here for updates as we get close. Nice effort tonight! Think snow, lots of snow.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hillbounding November 16th Circle the Herd

This is sort of what the group looked like silhouetted standing alongside the fence, third from the right looks like Dan.

There are not many times in mid November where you can be out at night in a tee and shorts and be comfortable. For 32 folks that night was last night. The mid 40’s and still air was perfect for bounding and just cool enough that Mike and Matt kept their shirts on, whew!

The new V1 slide move we did went pretty well. It was harder than some thought and TIME WISE it took a little longer and used some mussscccles we are not used to. That makes it a keeper. I was smilin’ when I saw the efforts to pass each during the rope pull to the fence. I never saw Andy cross the knoll so fast.

Poling looked better, perhaps my little strap diatribe did some good but it was a noticeable improvement. As we enter the final TWO weeks (I know I said one but math was not my forte) we need to have that final build up to snow. Once snow comes you will need to slow your intensity and get those ski legs back but hillbounding will help make that adjustment dramatically easier.

With snow around the corner (there is snow on the ground in northern WI and in MN) you should be checking http://www.skinnyski.com/ for trail updates. Put it in your favorites. There are several from the group and GB heading to West Yellowstone Camp this next week. Drink like a fish, it is 6600’ and goes up from there. These weeks before snow should be peak hour weeks, get out there and remember we will be on snow soon.

The 17th Birkie Class registration is up and running. If you are by the store check out the Team Craft Jacket. It certainly is the best we have ever had http://www.craft-usa.com/cra_shop_zoom.php?back=185&category=4&headline=men&area=shop&type=bski&id=1079&bcsex=m We are limited on class size so it is important to let me know. I am building an email class roster which will be our method of communication. Go to http://www.incompetition.com/html/runEventRegister.psp to register.

Steve was so gassed last night he sent me his HRM strip but forgot to attach it. He looked like a dead man at the end but that puts him in good company. NOTE: The GB Parks SOMETIMES locks the lower gate to Bairds Creek. Park where you can and walk to the top, it is a nice warmup. Next week at 5:28pm.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hillbounding Nov. 9 2010 Too'fer Tuesday

We go regardless of rain cold or snow, I laugh at the cold, har har har hack wheeze, sniffle. This was a few years back. It was actually pretty fun.

Steve’s HRM strip speaks volumes for the 40 skiers who took part in our first total night session. Click on it to expand it and note the wide base of each rep. The double rep set dictates a kind of forced pacing to your effort. This was perhaps the most solid technical effort yet. Most skiers were showing the improvement that only comes with repetition.

We should do a few more things next go round.

Poles, for our application short is good and get those straps on tight! I saw many loose poles. Something as mundane as a loose pole strap can have a very negative effect on your arm swing and leg drive. Take a minute to get those straps right.

We will continue the “Body Rope”. The forward lean from the ankle was pronounced, now we must memorize that position.

Get your heads up and find skiers and then find (quickly) a way to be more efficient. In racing another skier is all about energy conservation, if you can ski the same speed while expending less energy – you win. Think about that.

All in all it was a great night. It is not often in November we get conditions like that where more people wore shorts than not. Mike and Matt even gave a little sneak preview of their secret ambition http://www.barechest.org/ . We go again next week at 5:26 pm. Expect colder conditions as we will see snow in the next two weeks. Birkie Class registration opens soon and Deb is finalizing things now. Save the date of December 7. Look at our website http://www.incompetition.com/ later this week. Another note, The Ashwaubenon Ski Team is looking for older skis, boots and bindings for their team. If you have some and want to donate them they sure can use them as they have a lot of kids out this year. Drop them with us and they will get to the team.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hillbounding Nov. 2nd Pictures Don't Lie

Note That Steve missed a few and that he felt Uber like.

Video linked in at http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/ Up now.
Wow indeed, what else can be said about 46 skiers bounding up a hill. The night was right for bounding with 40 degree temps, no wind and dry air as the group responded with a 30 rep output that improves with each week.
Thanks to Kyle Demerath for his exhibition of dynamic technique (after already being on the hill for 90 minutes). I hope that picture is burned into your memory banks. Seeing the image is important but being able to replicate it takes [repetitive] training, that is why we train and sometimes train tired. I watch world class skiers racing and they do indeed hold it together technically but it comes from thousands of repetitive hours training it over and over. Here is a quick but impressive video that dramatizes the point; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdKiY92WE40&feature=fvw
With the number of athletes we have, individual comments are impossible and even generalizations are difficult but here goes anyway:
1/ Efforts were strong and powerful.
2/ Technique(s) held together for the most part although you could tell who the “veterans” were.
3/ Less “running” than before.
4/ Hand control mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…..we work on that.
Be sure to look at the video, there was some crowding and make sure you freeze the image by clicking your mouse on the cursor. Look (at image) for the forward shin angle and body lean. Pole angle and control and the dorsiflexon of the foot. Go back and review some of the earlier video. Check out Roy and Seth in the video, strong athletes, different styles. http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/?saved=1 Be sure to check out http://www.skinnyski.com/ for Stump Farm Duathlon results and photos while online.
So this week get an image in your mind of what you want to look like and then work on it so that it is automatic. Practice makes PERMANENT. Great solid night, perhaps the best yet. We are hitting the home stretch so get a picture in your head and just like getting a picture from inside, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HmDISe8RYY we go again next Tue. at 5:26pm. I have to get the grass out of my shorts now.