Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It's Official, the 2009 16Th annual Birkie Training Class is on. There is some exciting news as well. We have a new site, new time, new format and extra events this year. The quick take is this.
- Our new site: Aurora BayCare Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center - Performing Arts Room. This is a new and roomy facility with state of the art accouterments. Really first rate and easy to access off I-43.
- New Time: 6:00 PM. Tuesday Nights starting December 9Th running 12 weeks through the Birkie. This is a 90 minute class. Not too early-not too late, but in the groove.
- Physiological testing: Administered through Aurora Sport Medicine we will be doing some blood lactate testing. If you don't know your Anaerobic Threshold you will now. Very cool and very informational. Find out why knowing how you work is important.
This is what we have so far. We expect to open registration in mid Oct. We have a few details to work out but look forward to a very good year. We expect to have room for only 30-40 individuals. Please watch for further updates.
Tuesday HillBounding Warm and Winded
There was a lot of activity on the hill with the UWGB group, both run and ski teams and several high school teams and your normal disk golfers and wacky tobbacky users. The focus will remain on the technical aspect and even more upper body components. Santi commented on never using ropes before at UWGB. I told him us beautiful people have used it for years. Next week we add length, reps and dynamics. Be on time at 5:30 as we kick on the lights! BAF (bring a friend).
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hillbounding 2008 What Goes Down Must Come Up
SNOW! Remember the white stuff? This photo was taken a few years back on our last hillbounding session of the year. Hard to believe we are only twelve weeks away from snow.
I started Hillbounding over 35 years ago and like a lot of skiers find it the most effective ski workout there is. Hillbounding incorporates three elements into one. Aerobics: You rarely get to "enjoy" sucking air like you do running up hills. Power: Each bound is a strong muscular contraction lifting your body weight in a "ski-cific" motion. You will get pumped up. Technique: Each drill involves correct technical placement of the hands and feet. Often overlooked, the technical side is what serious skiers look to improve by hillbounding. Every minute on the hill is like three somewhere else (and it feels that way too) and that is why doing it as a group is so important; it is just too hard to do by yourself.
Even though you stay together each skier is at their own pace. Your skill level is not important but rather your effort. It may be the only time experts and beginners can workout together and we often learn from both. Bring a friend, well conditioned preferred. So..............
We start at 5:30pm, next Tue. the 23rd at the top of the Bairds Creek Ski Hill. Take I-43 to University Way and go left to Humboldt Road. Turn right on Humboldt and then a quick right on Bairds Creek Parkway and another quick right to the top of the hill. We plan a soft start but these 1st sessions are important. Don't miss out.
Layered clothes. You will need to shed as we go.
Short ski poles. Ideally these will be armpit height or smaller XC poles. Nothing fancy. I will have some to use.
Water bottle and dry clothes. Sweat is too modest a term.
Heart Monitors (HRM) if available. Lets you know if you are still alive.
Friends. The more the happier.... more or less.
See you there. 5;27PM Tuesday the 23rd.
TNR for Sept 16th Cool Dudes.
Cool fall weather has joined us now. It was 41 degrees this morning and sunny and nice this afternoon. A small group ventured out but I sense a lot of post season lackluster as riders, who after a long season are backing off their ride schedule and looking ahead to ski season. The last few weekends also had the Ironman, Fat Tire Fest, Door County Century, Wolfman Tri and a host of other events that have trimmed the sails of a lot of riders.
Next week Tues. we start Hillbounding at Bairds Creek (see next post) and everyone is welcome and for those non skiers the TNR will continue as long as there is interest.
For me it was a long summer. I got to send off the rides but the actual effort was more than this 98 year old guy can do. My riding was almost all by myself at speeds that never had people looking over their shoulder for me. I know now how much one can miss what was taken away. I think of that when I hear folks talk about being too tired or busy. You defiantly miss it more when you cannot have it so don't take it for granted. A lousy day riding is better than any day doing something you don't like.
I am open to suggestions to grow the TNR next year. Group riding is so fun, so powerful that everyone should get to do it. We have talked about motor paced rides, women's rides, morning rides or popcorn rides. Let me know, I certainly have no monopoly on good ideas.
The season is certainly not over and I expect many will ride deep into the new year. I admire those that do it every day. Their motivation must be something more than just savings on a gas card. I hope everyone can find their own reason to SO2 (Stay on Two).