Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Birkie Class 1-26-10 I've been Abducted

What, no flowers, no chocolates? said Dan after Tyson used him for his abduction/adduction toy! What a beast.
A beast of a night it was as we crossed the threshold of pain tolerance and discovered that control is as important as just plain output. I noticed a lot of folks finally getting that outside weight shift (POOF) down on a regular basis. I expected to see balance failures galore at the end but they did not happen. I saw a dynamic and a focus heretofore not always obvious.
In other words... it was a good night.

Lots to talk about. It is marathon season. The Noque, BSG, (Pepsi, SISU done) Mora, Birkie, Great Bear all are happening soon and all within hours of GB. Marathons require that it all comes together. Training, technique, skis, wax, tactics and a little luck all have a role. Some you control. Training (remember this summer?) is mostly over. Technique can always be improved even at this late date. Look at the above photo from the SISU race. How many have their weight over the gliding ski? Not many. Get an image of how you would want to look in that photo.
Your skis need to be waxed and your wax jobs done well. The point is. Do what you can right now. A little speed work will help minimize that start of race shock that this is way to fast to be real. Waxing for cold is not so hard after you do it half a dozen times. Mostly now think about technique and how YOU want to see yourself when tired. Focus when tired separates the great from good. Good technique SAVES energy even if it is mentally harder. If you can ski behind a similar or better skier try and be more efficient than them. They may be faster but by being better before your conditioning, wax, tactics or gear are the same it will make you the better skier in the long term.

Waxing: Cold waxes are different. CH4, Toko Blue and more are not like other waxes. Follow this easy protocol.
1. Pre wax your ski. Wax with a warmer wax first. Never put a cold wax on a dry ski, ever.
2. Work fast. Have everything ready. Sharp scrapers, flat base, solid profile.
3. Use enough heat to ensure that you DON’T take too much time. Get it done! The wax needs to melt quick.
4. Work in thirds or quarters. Drip, iron, scrape and move on. Scrape warm, even really warm. A cold wax ends up on the floor. Be sure your ski is warm first as well.
5. Scrape less…Brush more. Scrape less…brush more. Scrape less….brush more, got it?
6. Let skis cool fully, even outside. Brush with horse hair/boar hair. Lots if needed.
7. Fiber Tex lightly.
8. Relax. You are now fast.
9. Be ready to do it again as this snow is a wax eater.

Since most of you are getting some of the class message now is the time to reinforce it with some mirror time. Please make it permanent. Focus past where you are just like the V2A we did in class tonight. I saw the “look” tonight, don’t let it get away.

Well done, solid effort. Good luck at MQT and get those weekend efforts in. Follow http://www.skinnyski.com/ for trail reports and go ski.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birkie Class Jan.19 2010 Finding Balance

It was a powerful night. Just when you thought you had this core stuff down pat I come along with a night like this. And some of you thought my being a jerk was impossible!
The needs of most skiers are fairly constant. Balance and composure are critical especially in fast unstable snow like we have now. The ability to take advantage of it is tantamount to going fast [and having a blast].
V2A or open field skating is one of the fastest and most dynamic of all skating strokes. Check out this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKhjtRepR_U&NR=1
V2A is certainly the one that can get you in trouble but also the one that gets you down a faster stretch of trail. Marathon skating is not seen as much as years ago but it is still fast, can be restful and is a great way to reinforce of good weight transfer. See Scott Nichols section on it at http://www2.swgc.mun.ca/~knicol/nordic%20skating.htm In addition to being fun to do it can be used for a specific strength workout as it is fundamentally a very dynamic Double Pole.

Most of you will ski an OD ski this weekend and these are great for curing all your technical foibles but you do need to focus. Alone time or with a smooth skier to follow will help. Don’t forget at least one or two specific strength sessions a week. These do not have to be long, 20-30 minutes but do them, do them smooth [no bobbing] and focus on them. I think tonight we made some improvement although you may not have seen it. That little side of step balance drill I would not have attempted a month ago and it is very hard to do correctly. Now memorize it!
Good workout tonight. Check out Erick Wickum's cool collage, very neat. Now let’s follow it up with some great skiing this weekend and be ready to rumble next Tuesday at 6:00pm. Until then be sure and feel the Earth move under you as you ski. http://s0.ilike.com/play#Carole+King:I+Feel+The+Earth+Move:42972:s43216655.11304986.6779495.0.2.81%2Cstd_e46f873114104d64a09ae82e8ea10740

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birkie Class 1-12-10 Ahhh Grasshopper

What a night. There were glimpses of awareness followed by total collapse. I think back to my early days at the Shaolin Temple were I learned that pain is only for those who know not how to clench and to move forward you must first remove that which hold you back (facilitated stretch again) but hey….I digress. Technically speaking almost everyone knows right from wrong and can demonstrate good control, until tired that is. Another Ernst Rule of Law (ERL) states that your best technique sucks when tired [paraphrased here] so if you practice sloppy so too will you when tired, only more so. That is one viscous cycle. As you get tired your technique breaks down and you get more tired and on and on until collapse. GOOD TECHNIQUE SAVES ENERGY. Simple things like hand posture absolutely do carry outside on snow. This is the time to make perfect so that when skiing it becomes permanent.
Now: The snow is good. Skiing is fast, temps are moderate, and this should be a high hour ski week. There are no races (big) so there is no excuse not to do one or even two OD workouts this week. Hydrate, wax and ski and sleep.
· For those who want the blood lactate testing you should schedule with Todd Bruss at Aurora 920-288-4700.
· Wax Clinic this Wed (today) at InComp http://www.incompetition.com/ at 6:00pm sharp!
· To see Bay Nordic Youth Group Photo’s session two go to http://shoffmanphoto.smugmug.com/share/Jbqtti4KuIQaM and check out Steve Hoffman’s site.
· Check out the new Swix Pole on http://www.skinnyski.com/ , that can’t be cheap.

Check out the photo’s including the one of the steep uphill, no medial collapse there. Just will it to be that way! Steves HRM strip is showing signs of fatique, he needs a nap. Also note one of Erick's best shots of Joram and his shadow Steve. We step out at 6:02 next week and as I told my 8/9 year old Bay Nordic Group this weekend “Look Sharp”.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Birkie Class Jan 5th 2010 Bloodbath

It was an interesting night what with an increased focus on core strength and the start of some Lactate testing. There was (and will be tomorrow) some shock over some of the core work. While “demonstratable control” was good about half the group could not get to completion. That tells me that some get it and some do not. You can build a “muscle bridge” if you contract the right muscle groups and when those muscle groups are allowed to relax you can be propelled forward with less effort (remember facilitated stretch). OK, enough of the abstract ideas. The Blood Lactate testing started and the initial reaction was shock. It is hard. Steve P. looked a little bagged by the whole affair. The rational for Blood Lactate testing is to determine your onset of excessive amounts of lactate in the blood. Lactate is a fuel for the cells but when produced at too high a level it retards cellular function (simplification). The point at which lactate spikes (expressed in Mmols) is your Anaerobic Threshold or AT. Of particular value is knowing how to avoid your “dead zone”, that is the area just below your AT that a lot of athletes train in. It is a zone or area that gives you that “whew, good workout” feel but in fact probably just got you fatigued and did little to improve your output. Most skiers would benefit from a lower but much longer aerobic sessions with an occasional, [at or slightly above] AT for short durations. Knowing you’re AT lets you pinpoint that zone.

Lactate Testing is unpleasant (that is an understatement), the finger pricks being the best part. It is of value to those who use HRM’s and spend some time researching HR Zones and are willing to follow up with it periodically. The actual number is not important for comparisons sake. It is [simply] the point at which you can sustain an output or effort. For those trying to maximize their performance it can be of great value. Knowing you’re AT allows you to tailor your workouts. It does not do the training for you and is no substitute for good technique, that said I strongly believe technical defiencies hold back more skiers than physical limitations. Todd Bruss at Aurora is willing to take folks for testing during the day but you must schedule it with him. He can be reached at 920-288-4700 for the main number. Tell him you are part of the Birkie Training class and that you know Corey Vogels personally. We can only get so many folks in during class and if your serious, being fresh is of value (although we often did it in the middle of hillbounding sessions) DON’T feel like you have to do it. Do it if you think it will help. It is not a measure of potential it is a measure of fitness. Todd said he was impressed with skiers. I am not surprised; it takes a lot to be a great skier. We are in a tough sport. Anyone who has climbed Bitch Hill knows the effects of lactate on the body but training is our attempt to offset those effects. For comparisons of the effect of fatique on the body looks at Steves HRM strips from this week, last and last years Birkie. Click on them to expand the image. Note the difficulty to maintain a higher HR as time elaspes.
Housekeeping: We meet at 6:02pm next week with a 6:05 pm start. If you have not gotten your hats please get a hold of me. Paul B. showed good insight by pointing out correctly a collapsing knee in the photo of the skier on http://www.skinnyski.com/ who on his way to 2nd place at nats, while skiing flat out and uphill let his leg drop to the medial side (see photo). I’ll give him a pass on it this time but it dramatizes the fact that when tired, even the best skiers can make mistakes. Thanks again to Erick Wickum who not only takes great shots but reminds me who is slacking off and points out things I’m not seeing, see them at http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/?saved=1. Lastly remember we have a wax clinic next Wed. and some skate lessons starting as well as the 2nd session for the Bay Nordic Youth League, see http://www.incompetition.com/ for details. We had a good night, be sure and meet the mirror and don’t forget to clench….and relax.