Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TNR 5-7-08 - 21 or Skidoo

TNR for 5-7-08
21 riders rolled out with moderate SSW winds and temps pushing 65 degrees. Compared to the weather of late it was wunderfull. The ride traveled to Rendezvous and north before turning for home. A few riders commented on their conditioning levels as they were shelled off but resolved to up their training…..motivation takes many forms. Most riders went home content with the good effort and 19mph + pace.

Most riders commented on the Jen and Jen Show what with their dynamic riding style and quiet intensity. Dave K. showed the new ride he calls the Flying Pumpkin. You have to be fast to ride a Blinding Orange bike like that. The bunch was treated to a real cops and robbers episode as they returned. They ran the gauntlet of cops looking for a couple scofflaws a half mile from home. No one was wounded.

Warmer weather is here finally so it would pay to get out and get the butt toughened up and the legs ready to spin. We go at 5:25 pm and I am expecting more riders to start showing up so expect two groups from the onset. Note that the Womens ride is starting this Weds. the 8th. Check out for more info on Deb's site.


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