Twenty six athletes took advantage of a nice cool 42 degree evening and beat the rain that started just as we finished. Week eight conditioning is starting to become apparent as efforts are improving and technically things are coming along although we have room for improvement on that score. The focus is shifting to efficiency while tired. The ability to ski efficiently and economically while tired is what separates elite skiers from simply good ones. Once a skiers technique breaks down you will see an accelerating downhill spiral culminating in an aerobic collapse, not a good thing.
Next week our challenge will be to keep that sharp technical edge while making forays into the anaerobic zone. See “Guy who looks like Steve” graph. Our goal is to see the recovery line (the line after the peak) to go straight down and while that may not be possible the quicker the rate of recovery the more you have left for the next event (hill).
Expand the graph and notice that the time we really spend in the anaerobic (red, kill, bonk) zone is minimal (although Ernst Einstein, Albert’s secret brother theory is that time does slow down while anaerobic) and that we have precious few seconds to relate technique to output. Bottom line: Take advantage of those seconds. Notice the second HRM graph. It is from the Stump Fram Trail run on Sat. See how much more steady state running is. Skiing demands rapid recovery as heart rates go up and down wildly. Cool.
The effort is getting good. The output of the group during the lactate interval was excellent and several improved dramatically. We start at 5:29:47 pm next week. As Joe Jackson say’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYhHycdy2SY .
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