What a week. Records were broken. 300 dips, 100 ab crunches and Andy skiing the outer Neshota loop 25 times! We are closing in on the Birkie and this will be the absolute last chance for an OD ski before the race. If you are doing Mora this weekend you can expect pleasant conditions and locally the forecast is for a warm weekend so you may want to start early.
As you know the snow is old, somewhat dirty from debris and icy in spots and that is hard on wax so stay up on it. You want fast skis now and keeping them saturated is important in that regards. This is also a good time to experiment with clothing as we are all across the board with temps. I skied today at 0F but expect to see 40F by weekend. What a swing.
Next week we will work on a little softer elements but expect a workout. This is the time to refine and focus your technique as we start to enter what is probably the best skiing month. The late season conditioning, snow and warmer [?] weather make it easy to get out. Everyone looks to be in pretty good shape and judging from the efforts I would expect a strong showing at the Birkie.
Get out and ski this weekend and for you deep thinkers this was voted “most deep” cut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2I0UHcrWoo by James Blunt. He and I get mixed up a lot but that is a cross that I must bear.
Flick a Stick until next week at 6:00pm
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