Thursday, September 3, 2009

TNR Sept.1 - Hillbounding - Kids Skiing

.................big legs was the motto on this ride. We had perfect weather, sunny, calm, warm but not too warm and leg's o' plenty. The long group mustered some serious horsepower and kept together and whipped up a torrid pace. The Rendezvous group stayed cohesive and had a stellar 21 mph average, nice with smiles all around. As everyone noticed the sun is setting earlier and nights are cooler. There will only be two more weeks before we will need to shift to 5:00pm with a shorter route.

Tuesday September 22nd also marks the return of Fall Hillbounding at Bairds Creek. I will have more details on that but for now some brisk hill striding would be in order to minimize the DOMS* effect that hits after the first few weeks. Dust off the poles and get out the running shoes as you do not want to miss any of the 11 sessions.

One another ski front and if you know of or have KIDS under 12 check out a new program created by Jen and Noel Versch called Bay Area Youth Nordic Ski Club. This will be great for kids and mirrors successful programs in other areas. Call them at 920-822-8982 for info or click on the poster at the top of the page to expand it.

* DOMS= Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

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