Twenty six folks joined in last night for Hillbounding week eight. As we reached the physical plateau last week we only needed to improve technique and maintain our previous [high] output. I really heard some breathing last night and technically it was the best yet although there is always room for improvement. The Belly Rope was a great hit and its benefits were carried throughout the night and hopefully the remainder of the season. The reps have increased in speed with most skiers shaving about 20% any given rep since the start of the year. The savings is probably from both technique and conditioning showing that it really is a concerted effort of the two tasks that make you faster. The Deep Tucks are looking a little ragged. They require discipline. It looked a little like To Tell the Truth at the end http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&source=hp&q=to+tell+the+truth+episodes&rlz=1R2ADSA_enUS352&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=n-P6SsupKIjEMKfnvNsK&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQqwQwAA#
Steve sent his HRM strip from this weekends Trail Race at the camp. Notice the drop off that occur es as you fatigue and the little forays into level 3-4 and then the need for recovery. Skiing is more dramatic than this as recovery is more complete on descents and exertion is higher on ascents. Tough effort.
I have a lot of photos up at http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/?saved=1 . They are starting to look better. Note the shin angles and extension through the body. Nice.
The 17th Annual Birkie Class is open. We may be using the sport court rather than turf this season. More stable, less rubber....just as hard but neater. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for the sign up.
Week eight was our best yet. Technically we hit a milestone. Be sure and hit the roads now and keep your hour base up as we close in on the ski season. I have absolute certainty that some of us will be skiing on snow in less than three weeks. Until then we bound. Next week at 5:27PM. Nice job.
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