Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birkie Class Finale 2-23-10 Over but the shoutin'

Twenty two weeks have passed since that first night, in a light rain, we bounded up the Bairds Creek Hill. The training is over, the time to ski is upon us. For those that have done the race, well, you know why we go back. For those just getting started try and soak it all in. Few events garner so much loyalty and so much dedication as the Birkie.
Tonight was as we started, a soft workout. I like to watch the chatting going on before we start. This group bonded well and that makes it fun and is its own reward. We have one more thing to do before we wrap up the few remaining weeks of the season: This little ski race from Cable to Hayward Wisconsin.

Things to do these next few days.
· Relax- Your life does not depend on how you do.
· Wax….. and forget it. Spending nervous energy on waxing is counter productive. Believe half of what you hear and do what you know. You can blame me for a slow ski.
· Hydrate- Train to drink and hold water. As the Camp Cramp Champ I know. Drink like a fish.
· Check out http://www.birkie.com/ for updates before you go and any changes that may happen.
· Check out http://www.skinnyski.com/ for wax advise (believe ½) and special events.
· Check your wardrobe. Don’t overdress in a marathon. A sweaty dude is a gross unhappy dude. Lots of folks use “throw” clothes at the start. That pretty much includes all of Jorams wardrobe.
· Have your energy foods before and during the race ready. My favorite, GU (Hammer, Powergel ect) stapled (points OUT) to the inside of my bib. Reach in, tear, consume and enjoy.
· Pack your drop bag with: Ski slides (ties) for after. Dry (lots) clothes including hat, gloves shoes and money for Anglers after the race.
· Take lots of photo’s and get a shirt or two to remind yourself to start training next summer.
· Have a great time, watch out for others and be a great sport, after all there is only one race winner but thousands of others who win something just as good.

Erick Wickum did a great job with all the photos and advise this year. During the course of our workouts, Erick took hundreds of pictures. If you would like to receive pictures of yourself (or me), send a request to Erick at ewha755@yahoo.com with a picture of yourself attached so he does not mix up Joe and Andy again.
Thanks for taking part this year. There is a lot on tap for next season. I have a bunch of neat ideas (insert groan here). There is a good chance the Bay Nordic Kids group will be expanded to include older high school kids. We have two local kids going to Junior Olympics next week and we have some new grooming gear coming to the county next year. Things are happening and we need everyone to keep the momentum going. Lets start with that 30 meter stare as you come up Main Street Saturday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birkie Class 2-16-10 Baa Baa Baby

It is not often that an old Ram can herd the lambs to the wolves but Steve is not one to bleat out a complaint as he schooled the young ewes in raw toughness.
What a week. We have great snow, the Olympics started and the Birkie is around the corner. A little quick math shows that if we ski until March 19th we will have our 3rd 100+ day ski season in a row, but we have a lot to do before that happens. Tonight went well. The up-tempo faster pace is just what Dr. Camber called for the week before the Birkie. Here are some thoughts for the final ten days before the Birkie. The need for long OD workouts is over. You either have it now or you don’t but there are things you can do that can greatly help.

A little speed work. A tune up race at 50K pace will get you back up to speed for the Birkie.

Tempo work. 5-15 minute efforts at 50K pace.

Hill efforts focusing on cresting the hill with speed. Rehearse that type of effort so that on race day it is old hat. Keep your workouts modest and your recovery complete.

Wax those skis. Wax and ski, wax and ski. The temps are warm, perfect for flooding the skis with a soft wax followed by a short ski and then another waxing.

Here is what’s coming up:
Tonight (Wed. 3-17) The Birkie Wax Clinic at 6:00pm at In Comp. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for details.
This Saturday the 2-20 Stump Farm 20K and 5K http://ashwaubenonnordic.pbworks.com/Stump-Farm-Open-Ski-Race

Erick Wickum provided this workout link. Don’t do this at home! http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-videos/how-they-train--short-track-speed-skating_270752g110288-uR.html Check out his great photo collage as well. Click to expand.

Lastly some homework: The DOT, as part of their reconstruction of Hwy. 41 is proposing to build a pedestrian/bicycle path near Lombardi Avenue. They will fully fund it but needs approval from Green Bay. This is a real NO-BRAINER (which explains why some councilmen are opposing it) I won’t name names but they rhyme with “yeast” and “fly”. Call or email your councilman. It is easy, go to http://www.ci.green-bay.wi.us/council/ and tell them you strongly support the DOT Bike/Pedestrian Plan for Lombardi Ave. They vote soon and you need to call this week. If you live in District 8 or 12 call Chris Wery or Tom Weber. Twenty calls can make this happen.

OK enough. Good night, good week. Go ski, go wax and we wrap up the whole thing next week. Stay loose and enjoy the snow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birkie Class 2-9-10 Hocus Focus

At first blush I thought nobody would come but a little snow does not deter the devoted…or the insane. With 17 days until the Birkie things are coming together in many ways. Our ski conditions are approaching great at a time when we need to be focusing on technical and physical preparations. Physically we have had well over 60 days (in) Green Bay with which you could have skied and more to come. Excitement over the Birkie itself is at an all time high. The 7900 skiers represent a record and the intensity and skill level of the field will also set records. The wave criteria in the future will almost certainly get tougher after this season. There should be great parody in the field as north to south, east to west as everyone has had good snow this year. So what does it all mean?

If you are looking for a good time or place you have a great chance at being in shape to do so but so do 7900 others. Technically most of you are considerably better off than a year ago and sometimes dramatically so. I know that aerobically many of you are at peak shape. So how to tip the scale a little when everyone is looking good?


For those whose only goal is to enjoy the Birkie, finish and have a fun time I say all the power. The sights and SOUNDS of the race are something that frankly I missed for a lot of years. Race aside it is a cool event and being part of this humanity has its own rewards. Focus on the technical sections will keep you from falling, breaking stuff and perhaps not even making it to the finish. That aside, enjoy yourself.
For those that are looking for that special time or wave placement focus has another meaning, especially this year. Focus means minutes or more. Focus can mean a lot of things but I think of these.

Keeping your technique together. More than anything else not letting your skiing deteriorate can save you energy which equals time. Your conditioning may not improve but your technique can.

Focus on your output. Ski within yourself. Going at the ragged edge almost surely means technique breakdown and subsequent efficiency loss.

Focus on those around you. The TACTICAL side of racing is being aware of what’s going on, where you are and how hard to push. Following a guy who looks like he may fall on every hill may dictate expending a little more energy for “insurance”. The Birkie is over at 46km… only it finishes at 52. The last climb to Duffy’s is your last hurrah; a tactical racer knows the course and when to go and when to hold back.

These next two weeks will be time to test your speed. Refine your technique. Figure out what works. Have some fun, do some modest speed work and find a hill and ski it like you want to be seen skiing it. To further get in the mood check out the http://www.wojb.org/listen.htm
podcast during the day and when the starting gun goes off you will be ready to burst forth with the power of ten million butterfly sneezes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYCXsqMfiRw

Good work tonight. Hope your core feels it tomorrow and enjoy the shot of Corey’s arm (dream). May the clench be with you next week as we start our countdown to Cable.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Birkie Class 2-2-10 Pants so tight it hurts

It’s a little early to be calling it a movement but Tyson having his britches hiked up under his armpits has all the indications of a fashion statement in the making and while it certainly was one way to force a clench it is not exactly what I had in mind.

What a “core-iffic” night. I know it’s tough when it gets that quiet. The one third failure rule was in effect tonight as at least a third of the group had to bag some of the efforts early. That is OK; it was destined to be tough. There was noticeable fatigue as the night went on but I am impressed with the output. Our “ V” Crunch was H A R D. I know eight weeks ago the idea of fifty of those never came up. Whew.

With today’s snow the skiing pace has slowed considerably. Gone is the tilled ice base (sort of) and speeds are coming back down to normal and wax jobs may last more than an hour. The good news about the last few weeks is that most skiers have adapted to icy conditions better and will find better control in future ice “events”. I would like you all go back and review this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKhjtRepR_U&NR=1 again. Note that not all skiers are doing the same things and some are virtually lock step together. Slow it down and note the dynamics of these folks. Wow indeed. With BSG coming up and the Birkie closed now is the time to do a few things.

  • Start waxing those skis. The last week or so was hard on them. Soak them with some temp appropriate waxes. CH8, Toko Red/Yellow as we will see forecasted temps in the 20’s+.

  • Double check poles and baskets. We notice a lot of loose or cracked ones lately.

  • Do some modest speed work. 50 K race pace efforts for 3-5 minutes. It will not be flat out. Remember that 50K pace is not WFO.

  • Do a little specific strength work like double poling, single sticking. Think about that drag race off the start line and where those poles need to be (in tight).

  • Spend a few minutes getting those pole straps adjusted. Not only do they give you more power they really help steer that pole out of harms way (look at that video again).

    We only have a few weeks left and we will ramp down a little. Andy chastised me for forgetting the dips but we will make it up. I don’t want to but sometime you have to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0l3QWUXVho

    Thanks to Erick for the photo Montage ( and reminding me to do things) Great night, good effort. It seems to be coming together. Well done skiers.