It is not often that an old Ram can herd the lambs to the wolves but Steve is not one to bleat out a complaint as he schooled the young ewes in raw toughness.
What a week. We have great snow, the Olympics started and the Birkie is around the corner. A little quick math shows that if we ski until March 19th we will have our 3rd 100+ day ski season in a row, but we have a lot to do before that happens. Tonight went well. The up-tempo faster pace is just what Dr. Camber called for the week before the Birkie. Here are some thoughts for the final ten days before the Birkie. The need for long OD workouts is over. You either have it now or you don’t but there are things you can do that can greatly help.
What a week. We have great snow, the Olympics started and the Birkie is around the corner. A little quick math shows that if we ski until March 19th we will have our 3rd 100+ day ski season in a row, but we have a lot to do before that happens. Tonight went well. The up-tempo faster pace is just what Dr. Camber called for the week before the Birkie. Here are some thoughts for the final ten days before the Birkie. The need for long OD workouts is over. You either have it now or you don’t but there are things you can do that can greatly help.
A little speed work. A tune up race at 50K pace will get you back up to speed for the Birkie.
Tempo work. 5-15 minute efforts at 50K pace.
Hill efforts focusing on cresting the hill with speed. Rehearse that type of effort so that on race day it is old hat. Keep your workouts modest and your recovery complete.
Wax those skis. Wax and ski, wax and ski. The temps are warm, perfect for flooding the skis with a soft wax followed by a short ski and then another waxing.
Here is what’s coming up:
Tonight (Wed. 3-17) The Birkie Wax Clinic at 6:00pm at In Comp. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for details.
This Saturday the 2-20 Stump Farm 20K and 5K http://ashwaubenonnordic.pbworks.com/Stump-Farm-Open-Ski-Race
Erick Wickum provided this workout link. Don’t do this at home! http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-videos/how-they-train--short-track-speed-skating_270752g110288-uR.html Check out his great photo collage as well. Click to expand.
Lastly some homework: The DOT, as part of their reconstruction of Hwy. 41 is proposing to build a pedestrian/bicycle path near Lombardi Avenue. They will fully fund it but needs approval from Green Bay. This is a real NO-BRAINER (which explains why some councilmen are opposing it) I won’t name names but they rhyme with “yeast” and “fly”. Call or email your councilman. It is easy, go to http://www.ci.green-bay.wi.us/council/ and tell them you strongly support the DOT Bike/Pedestrian Plan for Lombardi Ave. They vote soon and you need to call this week. If you live in District 8 or 12 call Chris Wery or Tom Weber. Twenty calls can make this happen.
OK enough. Good night, good week. Go ski, go wax and we wrap up the whole thing next week. Stay loose and enjoy the snow.
Here is what’s coming up:
Tonight (Wed. 3-17) The Birkie Wax Clinic at 6:00pm at In Comp. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for details.
This Saturday the 2-20 Stump Farm 20K and 5K http://ashwaubenonnordic.pbworks.com/Stump-Farm-Open-Ski-Race
Erick Wickum provided this workout link. Don’t do this at home! http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-videos/how-they-train--short-track-speed-skating_270752g110288-uR.html Check out his great photo collage as well. Click to expand.
Lastly some homework: The DOT, as part of their reconstruction of Hwy. 41 is proposing to build a pedestrian/bicycle path near Lombardi Avenue. They will fully fund it but needs approval from Green Bay. This is a real NO-BRAINER (which explains why some councilmen are opposing it) I won’t name names but they rhyme with “yeast” and “fly”. Call or email your councilman. It is easy, go to http://www.ci.green-bay.wi.us/council/ and tell them you strongly support the DOT Bike/Pedestrian Plan for Lombardi Ave. They vote soon and you need to call this week. If you live in District 8 or 12 call Chris Wery or Tom Weber. Twenty calls can make this happen.
OK enough. Good night, good week. Go ski, go wax and we wrap up the whole thing next week. Stay loose and enjoy the snow.
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