LAMBS; An acronym? The weather coming in thus far in October? Lambs being led to slaughter? It could mean any of those things for the 35 bounders last night but I mean it to be everyone having a common technique. Everyone has their own style but don’t use style as an excuse for flawed technique. With each passing week I see less “unique” techniques and a more homogeneous image… that is a good thing.
The videos turned out good but there are a few caveats. When filming a lot of people it is hard to get a long image of any one skier. For the future note the spacing as we film. We want everyone to get on camera. I also note the “tension” level goes up when the camera goes on. Relax, so what if the whole internet can see your lousy pole control.
A few notes about the tape. These are GENERAL comments and may not (but probably do) pertain to you.
· Pole control/angle, too much “grippin” and not enough pole ANGLE and the tip coming too far forward. You only get push when the pole is pushing [duh].
· Lots of pole “clutching”. Relax your grip. Let the STRAPS do the work. Gripping that pole tight restricts arm swing which will retard the leg extension. Major issue here. Adjust straps and then USE them.
· Still some running out there. Watch the foot. Go back a few weeks and re-fresh the dorsiflexion image.
· POOF, Push Off Outside of Foot is a function of commitment and a big push. It seems as the effort increases the effectiveness improves.
Watch the videos and be sure to expand the image to get a clearer view. You can slow or stop them as well. It is a little congested but seeing yourself is always valuable….if not a little painful. http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/
You will note Steve’s HRM strip today looks different. The base of the “spikes” is narrower which tells me of a faster recovery, that or Steve spent the night in Jorams vortex. Click to expand it.
I found a video of Andy Lulloff showing his “CXC Special” Technique. He’s better now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEZrBw6mcSM
All in all the effort was strong and if there was any doubt the soft start is over. It was a fearsome last few reps, very impressive. You should be pleased as the reps (29) and the intensity are climbing and the technical skills improving, sweet.
Next week we put the Team in bounding, be ready at 5:27pm as we go up.
Lastly Butch Reimer soldiers on in his struggle with Leukemia. Keep him in your thoughts as you head out the door. I know he would like to be doing this with us. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/butchreimer
The videos turned out good but there are a few caveats. When filming a lot of people it is hard to get a long image of any one skier. For the future note the spacing as we film. We want everyone to get on camera. I also note the “tension” level goes up when the camera goes on. Relax, so what if the whole internet can see your lousy pole control.
A few notes about the tape. These are GENERAL comments and may not (but probably do) pertain to you.
· Pole control/angle, too much “grippin” and not enough pole ANGLE and the tip coming too far forward. You only get push when the pole is pushing [duh].
· Lots of pole “clutching”. Relax your grip. Let the STRAPS do the work. Gripping that pole tight restricts arm swing which will retard the leg extension. Major issue here. Adjust straps and then USE them.
· Still some running out there. Watch the foot. Go back a few weeks and re-fresh the dorsiflexion image.
· POOF, Push Off Outside of Foot is a function of commitment and a big push. It seems as the effort increases the effectiveness improves.
Watch the videos and be sure to expand the image to get a clearer view. You can slow or stop them as well. It is a little congested but seeing yourself is always valuable….if not a little painful. http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/
You will note Steve’s HRM strip today looks different. The base of the “spikes” is narrower which tells me of a faster recovery, that or Steve spent the night in Jorams vortex. Click to expand it.
I found a video of Andy Lulloff showing his “CXC Special” Technique. He’s better now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEZrBw6mcSM
All in all the effort was strong and if there was any doubt the soft start is over. It was a fearsome last few reps, very impressive. You should be pleased as the reps (29) and the intensity are climbing and the technical skills improving, sweet.
Next week we put the Team in bounding, be ready at 5:27pm as we go up.
Lastly Butch Reimer soldiers on in his struggle with Leukemia. Keep him in your thoughts as you head out the door. I know he would like to be doing this with us. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/butchreimer
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