For such a bitter cold night things really heated up fast. The new steps really came in handy, this will help out with the crowding in the future. I would like to orient them differently as well which should help as well. I even saw some genuine pained expressions last night (as opposed to the painted on ones you normally use to make me feel bad).
Those "push back" drills are really an effective use of the upper body. They are really effective at mimicking the "feel" of a V1 on a steep uphill as the timing and velocity are very similar.
Badger State Games went well for a lot of the group. See for results and trail reports and more. Dave Hess is off to Mora this weekend, wish him luck. The 58Km Vasaloppett is the longest point to point marathon in the US, this should be on your bucket list, it is a great race. As the tempurture rollercoaster continues be sure to keep up on your waxing. These weekly swings dictate that you wax often but that is good, skis get faster with every coat. Check out for a cool wax testing aid, very neat! As we approach two weeks to the Birkie this would be a good time to do one last long ski. Practice drinking and eating and being steady. Keep waxing your skis and build up that reserve of wax in your ski. This is also a good time to fine tune your balance, get out the wood and do it.
It is amazing how improved everyone is getting. It may not feel so good it but remember that we have also increased the intensity and duration of the efforts. Next week we will work on breathing and breath control, get ready for a big blow. Valentines day is next Monday so be sure to do something nice for your sweetie. Check out our latest newsletter by signing in at
The weekend promises to be nice and warm, perfect for a long ski. Plan on the Stump Farm Classic on the 19th and be ready to go at 5:57pm next week as we Climb Firetower. Nice effort this week, now go ski.
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