Monday, October 8, 2012
Old dogs, new tricks and Facebook
Hard to believe that the guy who almost never uses a cell phone has "discovered" Facebook. You can use it for posting photo's, sending messages, even keeping in touch. Who'd have thunk it.
I am using Facebook for everything from putting up hillbounding photo's to sending emails, pretty amazing this new techy stuff. You can check it out directly at!/mark.ernst.14 or just surf (computer term) your way there.
Now if I could figure out my heart rate monitor...............
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The 2012 ski season kicked off with the Bairds Creek Hillbounding group Tuesday the 18th of Sept.
We typically expect 30-40 skiers and complete 25-30 reps up the hill with an emphasis on technique and power. This is a tough workout that is best accomplished in a group setting. We have a soft, mowed and well lit hill with easy access.
Bring dry clothes (you sweat a lot) a water bottle and a shorter (armpit height) XC ski poles. We will have some available as well. Partners are encouraged as we do some paired drills.
We start the warmup at 5:30pm at the top of the hill and typically conclude with a lactate interval at 7:00pm. Come dressed to sweat!
The 2012 ski season kicked off with the Bairds Creek Hillbounding group Tuesday the 18th of Sept.
We typically expect 30-40 skiers and complete 25-30 reps up the hill with an emphasis on technique and power. This is a tough workout that is best accomplished in a group setting. We have a soft, mowed and well lit hill with easy access.
Bring dry clothes (you sweat a lot) a water bottle and a shorter (armpit height) XC ski poles. We will have some available as well. Partners are encouraged as we do some paired drills.
We start the warmup at 5:30pm at the top of the hill and typically conclude with a lactate interval at 7:00pm. Come dressed to sweat!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
It's been a while since we checked in last. The Tuesday Night Ride TNR is has been going and here at the store we are crazy busy. This has been a great spring with some up's and down but mostly up. The Cellcom Marathon is this weekend and is adding a little excitment to the mix. Things are looking up and here is a review of this weeks TNR by our resident Master's Master Steve Peplinski.
As always; Stay on Two.
With only 9 riders of varying ability, keeping the group together was going to require some thought and effort. But we were up to the task, and everyone (except maybe Dan, who could have ridden away from the rest of us any time the mood struck) had their share of hard efforts and challenges. Dan led us out on Luxemburg road, and at 20 MPH, he must have felt like he was riding sweep at the Titletown Bike tour because he kept ramping up the speed. Before we knew it, we were touching 26 and echeloning across the road to deal with the cross wind coming out of the north. A quick glance backwards revealed a couple of riders off the back. Mark and I passed the word to try to avoid exceeding 21, and to my surprise people actually listened. The riding got a little tougher when we hit Rondezvous Road because we were riding straight into a 15 MPH headwind. It helped a little to hide behind Wayne or Mark, but I always felt the wind! We crossed highway 54 together, and gathered ourselves for the assault on the biggest hill on Rendezvous Road. With Dan off the front again, I charged to the front of our little peloton and gave it my best effort, thinking that as I approached the crest, Mark or Curt would shoot by to mockingly claim "KOM" honors. But no one did. Such was the ferocity of the headwind. On the flats, we didn't do a particularly good job of maintaining a steady pace or tight line. But I noticed that masters biker extraordinaire, Gil, was always tightly latched on to either Mark or Wayne's wheel. He knew what it took to avoid getting dropped.
When we got to the hill just before Thiry Daems Road, I announced that I didn't plan to lead up the hill again. But as the peloton slowed, I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to give up all my momentum just to tuck in, so I was fighting the wind in front again. As the road flattened out just before the turn, our speed had dropped below 12 mph. I know I was going as fast as I could. Everyone needed some recovery spinning. We were all glad to turn westward so that our only problem would be the cross wind. It was a pleasant cruise down Thiry Daems and subsequently Mary's road. Gravel Pit road brought another headwind, but since it's downhill almost all the way, it was easy to deal with. The payoff came on Nicolet drive. we had the luxury of a tailwind as we practiced our high speed tucks rolling downhill towards the final climb on Benderville hill. I watched Mark sprint out early to try to get a jump on Dan, Curt and I. Dan and Curt followed on his wheel, but I didn't think it was time to go just yet. I hit it hard as the road began to rise. I thought I was actually closing on them for a while, but as I slowed to 21.5 MPH at the crest, they were 50 yards down the road, and long gone if they so chose. But they waited for me, and the 4 of us cruised home taking turns pulling. We all knew where we stood in the pecking order. At the city limits sign, Dan slowly accelerated away from us to claim the traditional green sign sprint title. Mark gave chase, but Curt and I could see him give up just before they reached the sign. As we headed past UWGB, Curt took the lead, and pulled us along at 24 to 25 mph for a good long way. When Dan and Mark pulled out to contest the final sprint to the I43 underpass, Curt laughingly said to me "and they didn't even say thanks for the lead out!". I told him I'd give him a lead out to the underpass, and sure enough, as I spun up to my limit (about 28 mph), he jumped past me, beat me to the finish, and threw his arms in the air in victory.
We had no sooner turned in to the parking lot when Gil showed up about a quarter mile back. So Gil, I think you need a 15 pound bike. Then you'll not get dropped again!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Snow Spring Summer in 24 hours 3-19-12

Last year on this date I had a nice ski and then went into work to prep some skis and place orders for the following winter season. This year our bicycle service center has exploded in repairs. I have sunburned legs and face. My bike saddle is still not my pal and our skis are all travel waxed and bagged. What a difference a year makes! We just got back from San Diego where we toured with the kids. I have to say from a riding perspective we have it made here in WI. They have more terrain in Sou/Cal but we have roads and trails that they could not imagine. That said, riding bicycles (and walking, running, paddleing...) is omnipresent in CA, somewhat spurred on by $4.50 a gallon gas but also a healthy lifestyle. The traffic is a little overwhelming and the roads are so-so compared to here but they are out there doing it, in large numbers.
It is good to see other areas, to see other cultures but like my bud Dorothy said: There's no place like home. Summer returned to GB in the week we were gone and it feels good. The bikes have already stretched their legs, the trainer replaced by a hand pump and my daffodils are up, sweet.
I plan on making the Bairds Creek trail my second home this summer on my new Raleigh Furley Cross'er, watch for it here as it morphs over the summer. Meanwhile since we skipped spring this year we might as well go ride.
It is good to see other areas, to see other cultures but like my bud Dorothy said: There's no place like home. Summer returned to GB in the week we were gone and it feels good. The bikes have already stretched their legs, the trainer replaced by a hand pump and my daffodils are up, sweet.
I plan on making the Bairds Creek trail my second home this summer on my new Raleigh Furley Cross'er, watch for it here as it morphs over the summer. Meanwhile since we skipped spring this year we might as well go ride.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Birkie 2012 The Last Word

Tuesday night after the Birkie felt a little odd not having anywhere to go.
For those that made the pilgrimage to Hayward this year, 2012 will be remembered as the
great paradox. For those who live south of Highway 8 snow was a precious
commodity, groomed tracks virtually non-existent. What a great surprise to see the
trail in such great shape and to be rewarded with near perfect conditions. For
most of the skiers I know the Birkie raises the bar and you responded in kind.
Despite the lack of snow and training K's most of you had a great day and in
lieu of a great time, a great experience.
Anecdotally I have never seen Main Street as busy as it was. People were
hanging out and hanging in there. The Birkie has become a lifestyle with
something for everyone. From the whimsical Barkie Birkie to the Family Fun Ski or the
Junior events the Birkie offers a lot of reasons to stay motivated. As a
(relatively) ole' timer I am most pleased to see the kids skiing and more
importantly having fun. The Birkie has been instrumental in getting youth
programs moving again and for that they deserve our thanks. I look forward to
watching this current crop of youngsters develop and hopefully embrace the same
values and traditions that we have.
We have a lot of challenges trying to keep up a Nordic Lifestyle. This year
was a kick in the pants reminder of our fickle climate. I see the need for augmenting
nature with better manicured trails and man-made snow if we want to keep skiing
on the front burner. Expect to hear more about that in the future. It is going
to be hard but it's worth it. Watching the electricity at the start of the
Junior Birkie and the wall to wall smiles at the Family Ski is something I want
to invest in. The next few months will change your focus but not the target. Get
a goal, get a friend and get out there. I know my capabilities have certainly
changed in the last few years and I expect yours may too but there will always
be something if you just keep looking down the trail.
Every year there are countless stories of perseverance, challenges and
overcoming obstacles but I need to point out one racer in particular. My friend
Barb Klippel of Hayward, 79 years young, finished her 20th Birkie this season.
Barb and her late husband Jim have been a central part of the Birkie for
decades, Barb as a skier, volunteer and role model, Jim a race volunteer for
years. Barb's daughter Sue is the current Birkie Board President (and
Birchleggings member). To say that they epitomize the Birkie Family is an
understatement. This year Barb achieved her goal to be a Birchlegger, overcoming
time, and injuries to complete a journey that started decades ago. She says she
is done doing marathons now but I doubt she is through with this race. I hope
you all find that inner drive and keep lining up for the journey through history
and all the great things that the Birkie is.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Birkie Class Final T is for Technique

Twenty three weeks ago about 30 skiers started a ski season by bounding up the hill at Bairds Creek that will culminate this weekend at the 39th running of the Birkie. It
was a tough year for training, probably the worst I have seen in 38 years of
ski racing. I don’t know about anyone else but I now believe in global warming
more than ever.
There are three things I hope you remember as you toe the line on Saturday. Virtually everyone is technically much better than they were a year ago. As we age we concede physical prowess
but technical skills can always improve. Given a choice between being 10% physically
better and 10% technically improved I’ll take skill. ** A big motor does you no
good if you are tumbling down Snowmo Corner on your back! I have a good
perspective on skier’s technical skills and you will have to take my word for
it: It’s pretty darn good. Now it’s up to you to take advantage of it.
This year more than ever it will be crucial that you ski within yourself. Good technique comes from your brain sending the right message to the various muscles. Go too far in debt and
the message slows down, your stride shrinks and you then waste even more energy
and pretty soon your brain is sending out SOS signals. Watch the effort level
and keep it together mentally.
Lastly remember that this is not as much a race as a lifestyle. We chose to do this event to reaffirm the choices we make to be healthy, active and positive. How you do in the race is secondary and if you fall short of your goals there will always be next year but by
finishing you will have achieved the biggest goal and been part of something
that you can remember forever.
So, great year folks. I am working on some things and will keep in touch. The weather looks good, the snow promises to be fast and I look forward to seeing you at the finish. Well done.
** I can back that up statistically, just ask me.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Birkie Class, Valentines Day. Answer: GRAVITY

OK, I’m impressed. Our little balance ditty last night was great. Steady and stable. Balance comes not only side to side but also fore and aft. I saw that last night. Balance also comes
in both a static and a dynamic form. Static is the passive form like standing
on a 2X2. Dynamic is like when you ride a bike. Both are NOT mutually
exclusive. When you see a rider doing a “track stand” that is, balancing while
not moving they are blending dynamic balance with static balance. Skiing
involves mostly dynamic balance but the longer you can hold on to your glide
phase (static) the farther you will glide. (My track stand analogy works until
a rider applies pressure on the pedal while holding the brake but that is
another doctorate dissertation).
The point of this rambling??
Balance takes many forms, side to side, front to back, passive and static BUT
ALL CAN BE DEVELOPED! It happened while you were not looking. Whew!
It was a rewarding night, especially my schooling of Paul Braun on the finer points of ego mania. (Megalomaniac?) We finish up next week with a softer tune-up and some wax words and prognostications. Check out for updates and
this video on scraper technique. Ian scrapes like a pro. This is the right way,
there is technique involved. I would add that you only scrape 2-3 passes at
most. Great night, find snow, wax skis and we go again at 6:00 pm next Tuesday.
in both a static and a dynamic form. Static is the passive form like standing
on a 2X2. Dynamic is like when you ride a bike. Both are NOT mutually
exclusive. When you see a rider doing a “track stand” that is, balancing while
not moving they are blending dynamic balance with static balance. Skiing
involves mostly dynamic balance but the longer you can hold on to your glide
phase (static) the farther you will glide. (My track stand analogy works until
a rider applies pressure on the pedal while holding the brake but that is
another doctorate dissertation).
The point of this rambling??
Balance takes many forms, side to side, front to back, passive and static BUT
ALL CAN BE DEVELOPED! It happened while you were not looking. Whew!
It was a rewarding night, especially my schooling of Paul Braun on the finer points of ego mania. (Megalomaniac?) We finish up next week with a softer tune-up and some wax words and prognostications. Check out for updates and
this video on scraper technique. Ian scrapes like a pro. This is the right way,
there is technique involved. I would add that you only scrape 2-3 passes at
most. Great night, find snow, wax skis and we go again at 6:00 pm next Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Birkie Class Feb. 7 Frozen Dirt Stinks

Hard to believe there is snow up north but the pictures don’t lie. The photos above
show the Birkie trail at Duffy’s and at ABR this week, that is what snow looks
like. We do what we can and drive. I notice a lot of carpooling and out of
office emails when skiers head to snow. Sometimes it is even more fun. Be sure
and check for trail updates before you go.
Next week marks the penultimate class session and the last hard effort before the Birkie as well
as being Valentine’s Day (and Dave Hess’s B-Day). We will then meet for our last
session on the 21st. I think we have hit our stride as I have less to nag about, more positives than not. Despite the lack of snow most folks have done a pretty good job of staying in shape and technically are way better than in years past. After age 40 technique improvements make for a bigger impact than the motor. This weekend is the Pre-Birkie which will feature the last half
of the Birkie Trail. It all looks good so far. As you know the Vasaloppet was
canceled due to poor snow, a drag for them on their 40th anniversary. We soldier on. This is the last chance for that long TOD workout and I would seek it out one (at least) more time. Meanwhile….we have a BIRKIE WAX CLINIC tonight at 6:00. Fast skis make you feel fast. Psychology matters in a marathon. Last night went great. Don’t forget next week at 5:56pm and Valentine’s Day. Good work last night, now go ski.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Birkie Class 1-31-2012 Busting Guts

Recovery took a little longer for the Noque crowd last night or so it seemed. I noticed
more sweating, heard more breathing and as always I “felt” your pain.
We have a lot of homework this week as we ramp up for our final three weeks of training.
First you need to watch
Watch specifically for the triceps and the LOW foot/ski carry. These girls are
technically awesome and they STILL do specific technique work……mmmmmm, cause
and effect perhaps?
2nd you should look at this world cup sprint start to see an example of a weight
forward position. You may not ski like that (I do) often but forward is better
than backwards.
3rd you need to get out there and do something. Snow and trails are day to day, minute by minute but find it. is reporting good snow with tracks! Most
trails north of highway 8. Are in good shape, find a friend and then find a
trail. See for more info and race updates.
Lastly we will be stonegrinding tomorrow morning. If your skis are bad this is a good
time to get it done before the Birkie. If your scrapers are dull we can sharpen
them but we need them early. We say adieu to Todd Rosvald (inspiration for the
TOD, Technique Over Distance workout) who is moving to Southern MN (part of a
plea agreement) to start a new job selling corn as the Korn Czar of MN. Kudo’s
to Tim McCoy for his finishing the Vuelta PR last week, if you can’t ski this is a close 2nd. And congrats to all that finished the Noque. Take this POSITIVE from that race. The times (despite the lousy year we are having) are not far off what is
normal. Technique matters, especially yours!
trails north of highway 8. Are in good shape, find a friend and then find a
trail. See for more info and race updates.
Lastly we will be stonegrinding tomorrow morning. If your skis are bad this is a good
time to get it done before the Birkie. If your scrapers are dull we can sharpen
them but we need them early. We say adieu to Todd Rosvald (inspiration for the
TOD, Technique Over Distance workout) who is moving to Southern MN (part of a
plea agreement) to start a new job selling corn as the Korn Czar of MN. Kudo’s
to Tim McCoy for his finishing the Vuelta PR last week, if you can’t ski this is a close 2nd. And congrats to all that finished the Noque. Take this POSITIVE from that race. The times (despite the lousy year we are having) are not far off what is
normal. Technique matters, especially yours!
Check out yours truly above trying (looking older than usual) on the AlterG Treadmill last night This is very cool with applications from rehab to weight loss. Thanks to Corey for letting me try it. Very neat. ….and
remember when the going gets tough...say what the man says to the wolf….
remember when the going gets tough...say what the man says to the wolf….
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Birkie Class Jan 24 High on Life

lobotomy” said Paul Braun after getting through with our “cold shutdown” last
night. We would all like to stretch, warm up and start respiring before we
start a race, which would be a nice story; too bad ski racing is not like that.
We are forced to start the engine, and floor it! Hardly good for fuel economy
and that is what ski racing is…saving energy. You do what you can to be efficient.
You breathe deep, ski smooth and long and get with the bunch that is smooth…
like you! Races are never won at the beginning, that said you want to maintain
contact. The Birkie has a lot of elevation gain early and as a rule hills
require a lot of breathing [jeenyus I am]. I mention that because when tired a
lot of skiers lower their heads effectively cutting off breathing. See the parallel?
When the dude two skiers in front of you plants his pole between his feet I
want to see it and move seamlessly left or right so that I don’t have to waste
energy either by stopping or losing momentum. Breathing is your pal, do it
often, do it hard and with gusto.
This is a great video of the lassies of the USST during a
training camp last May (nice).
Note in the V1 the triceps not just up but traveling parallel to the slope. Get
that picture in your upright head. The fastest skiers spend “quality time” re-enforcing
good technique. You should too. A couple notes more. I notice upper body strength
improved greatly as a whole. Dips in particular look strong. Show me good triceps
and I’ll show you a good skier. Things are coming along, we just need to ski.
The camp was very skiable today and great snow is found most places north of highway
8. Afterglow is getting good reviews, see
for more. We are having a wax clinic tonight at 6:00pm and for your
calendar the Nicolet Norski 36K and 7K coming up Feb 4th see and on Feb 18th
the Stump Farm Open 12K (a great tune up for the Birkie) Tim McCoy is on his
way now to the La Vuelta PR
bike race, 375 mile in three days, uhhh. Good luck to all of you doing the
Noque this weekend. The weather looks good, hopefully it won’t snow and the
course is 100% good. Nice effort last night, I promise we may not do that
again. Watch that video and go do your TOD this weekend. Next week at 5:55.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Birkie Class 1-18 Your Brain is not the Boss

An interesting thing happened on the way to the workout last night….after 100 Death Triangles
(your’re welcome) it was virtually everyone that could NOT get their triceps up
to even horizontal. Imagine that, when fatigued your body does not do what you
want it to. Want another example? When totally gassed do you remember how hard
it is to hold a deep tuck, that’s how the famous Ernst Resting Tukk was
discovered. Now fast forward to the part where “they” (everyone) say’s “it’s
all mental” ……IT IS ALL MENTAL! This is where we train the brain to overcome
the fatigue that sets in when you work hard. Your brain will not make your arms
feel better but by staying efficient and effective you will be able to continue
at a higher level. Moral: When tired, keep your technique together. Double your
mental effort and you will find yourself skiing better and faster.
Notice the pipes on my two pals above. Marit and Therese, when not busy winning a dozen or
so Gold medals at the Olympics and WC’s, they spend a lot of effort skiing
technically perfect so that it becomes automatic when exhausted.
Now if they would only stop calling me their "et Spillsystemet av brennende kjærlighet".
We had an awesome night last night. Next week we will do a “cold shutdown” Remind me.
Everyone looked tough and ready. Get that 3-5 hour TOD ski in this weekend and
we will see you next session at 5:56pm. Sharp!
Everyone looked tough and ready. Get that 3-5 hour TOD ski in this weekend and
we will see you next session at 5:56pm. Sharp!
Don't forget the Lakewood Race on Feb 4th and the Stump Farm Open on Feb.18th. Put them on your calendar.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Birkie Class Jan. 10th Oh wow man!

You should be smokin’ brudder, not your caar. The group was flying tonight as we had what was
probably the best effort of the season, even the 140+ dips we did felt OK.
About half the group pulled off a Power Planck which you would have never
guessed a few weeks ago. Our 30 minutes of aerobic work went by fast and with
barely a hiccup. All in all a groovy night.
That all said I still see room for improvement in the balance department. Remember Static and Dynamic Balance. You need both to ski well. The best motor does no good if you are on
your back.
There is room to be optimistic about snow. NOAA
has us in GB getting 5” or more by Thursday. has up to date trail reports and maps refreshed daily. Iola, Nine Mile and
Afterglow are best bets close by. Get some friends and make a day of it. You
need that 3-5 hour TOD ski (Technique Over Distance) once a week to pull off a
good Birkie. We have seven weeks which is plenty of time but no time to waste.
At least 10 class skiers were at Minocqua last weekend, get together and go
ski. This weekend is the SISU Marathon the 1st Midwest Marathon
of the season, good luck to those going up.
We are getting better every week and I am positive about the efforts. We have a lot to do next week so be ready to roll at 5:55pm and be sure and hydrate
before class and during and after all ski sessions. Remember we have a WAX CLINIC at 6:00pm tomorrow at In Comp
and that Deb is looking for some folks who want to ski long either Friday or
Sunday, give her a call for a long one. Get your skis ready as we hit snow in a
few days. Rest well tonight for this week we ski.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Birkie Class Jan. 3 Wanted: SNOW
Hey, does anyone have a couple of these parked in your garage?? January 5th and no snow. What gives! That said there is snow but it involves driving. How far depends on how good the skiing you want. The UP has great snow now with the Keweenaw being the best. Houghton was great last week before they received 10" By the way did I mention skiing on snow is not like running, biking or even rollerskiing. My quads are still sore. The lakes north of highway 64 are skiable and most trails north of highway 8 are good to better. This is where being in a group is advantageous; get a few friends, pile into the rig and OD on some Northern snow. A three hour session will feel like 5 but after two days you will remember why we do this. is posting trail reports, be sure and look there (with envy).
Tuesday night went alright. I saw serious sweating and lots of pained expressions, you guys are such kidders, I almost believed it was hard. You may realize that with time things get easier. I am pleased that we have increased the duration and intensity of the workouts, all with less recovery, good signs. Use Tuesday nights for your strength component and as a tool for improved balance and timing. HOMEWORK: I am serious about the wood. Balance is huge and we all have room to improve on that score. Next week I would like to have a 30 minute continual aerobic segment. Get hydrated and put your focus caps on.
Their here! At last the jackets have arrived and we have them here at the store if you want to get them early otherwise I will be bring them next week. They are all labeled with your name so just as if you are by. Meanwhile keep up the snow dance and a couple reminders. Bay Nordic member’s note that this weekends session has been postponed (no snow, no choice) and that we have a waxing clinic on Wed. Jan 11th. See our homepage for details
Nice workout this week. Now do some scouting, make some calls to friends and get on some snow. See you next week.
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