You should be smokin’ brudder, not your caar. The group was flying tonight as we had what was
probably the best effort of the season, even the 140+ dips we did felt OK.
About half the group pulled off a Power Planck which you would have never
guessed a few weeks ago. Our 30 minutes of aerobic work went by fast and with
barely a hiccup. All in all a groovy night.
That all said I still see room for improvement in the balance department. Remember Static and Dynamic Balance. You need both to ski well. The best motor does no good if you are on
your back.
There is room to be optimistic about snow. NOAA http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?FcstType=text&TempBox=1&WindBox=1&WeatherBox=1&PoPBox=1&textField1=44.519&textField2=-88.02&Submit=Submit&MapType=3&site=MPX&CiTemplate=0
has us in GB getting 5” or more by Thursday.
www.skinnyski.com has up to date trail reports and maps refreshed daily. Iola, Nine Mile and
Afterglow are best bets close by. Get some friends and make a day of it. You
need that 3-5 hour TOD ski (Technique Over Distance) once a week to pull off a
good Birkie. We have seven weeks which is plenty of time but no time to waste.
At least 10 class skiers were at Minocqua last weekend, get together and go
ski. This weekend is the SISU Marathon the 1st Midwest Marathon
of the season, good luck to those going up.
We are getting better every week and I am positive about the efforts. We have a lot to do next week so be ready to roll at 5:55pm and be sure and hydrate
before class and during and after all ski sessions. Remember we have a WAX CLINIC at 6:00pm tomorrow at In Comp www.incompetition.com
and that Deb is looking for some folks who want to ski long either Friday or
Sunday, give her a call for a long one. Get your skis ready as we hit snow in a
few days. Rest well tonight for this week we ski.
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