Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday HillBounding Warm and Winded

The first bounding session started off under warm and muggy conditions. No warm clothes needed. 19 athletes enjoyed a "soft" start to the season. We did several short sets and partial reps with lots of recovery. Special attention was given to technique and demonstrating technique (thanks to Santi O).

There was a lot of activity on the hill with the UWGB group, both run and ski teams and several high school teams and your normal disk golfers and wacky tobbacky users. The focus will remain on the technical aspect and even more upper body components. Santi commented on never using ropes before at UWGB. I told him us beautiful people have used it for years. Next week we add length, reps and dynamics. Be on time at 5:30 as we kick on the lights! BAF (bring a friend).

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