UPDATE 12-1-10
As I promised we did see snow today, not a lot but it is white. The forecast is for colder conditions making the possibility of at least pond skiing for real as we see freeze up. Check http://www.skinnyski.com/ for snow reports.
Stop, drop and roll. A fire safety drill? For the dozen skiers who ended the season of hillbounding tonight it meant simulating getting tripped up and recovering as you charge up the powerline hills. It also meant some dirty knees and a less than stylish way to “get back on” in the event you face plant during the Birkie (sooner or later it will happen).
Snow was falling and temps at Zero (C) as we finished the season with over a thousand collective reps up that hill. The group averaged 33 folks this season (a new record) and collectively performed at the highest level in recent memory. Critically speaking we had outstanding technical improvement and a higher level of technical understanding than ever before. I never worry about the physical output, the hill takes care of that and with a little testosterone thrown in, this workout can only be considered a brute!
So, where do you go from here? For some this is just a continuation of their summer training and for others it will continue with the 17th ANNUAL BIRKIE TRAINING CLASS that starts next Tuesday at the Aurora Sport Medicine Center. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for more info. As we approach snow note a few things. Take it easy. Get the ski legs under you and spend all your mental and physical effort working solely on TECHNIQUE. 50 to 100 km should be spent going slow and efficiently. There is absolutely no benefit to going hard early. Skiing alone and with a HRM is a good idea. Focusing on being technically good will pay big dividends later.
For those in the Birkie class expect an email soon. There will be some changes and even some (eeek) baseline testing. I would like to see some quantifiable improvements this year, expect some new ideas (yikes), they should not hurt………..much.
I had fun this year. You guys made it so and your hard work WILL pay off. You may even find it all downhill from here. There is only 9 months or so until we meet on the hill again so take advantage of your conditioning and your skills and we will see you on the trails. I will try and post here regularly so stay in touch. Please feel free to email me at goincomp@att.net Skal vi gå går på ski