Video linked in at http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/ Up now.
Wow indeed, what else can be said about 46 skiers bounding up a hill. The night was right for bounding with 40 degree temps, no wind and dry air as the group responded with a 30 rep output that improves with each week.
Thanks to Kyle Demerath for his exhibition of dynamic technique (after already being on the hill for 90 minutes). I hope that picture is burned into your memory banks. Seeing the image is important but being able to replicate it takes [repetitive] training, that is why we train and sometimes train tired. I watch world class skiers racing and they do indeed hold it together technically but it comes from thousands of repetitive hours training it over and over. Here is a quick but impressive video that dramatizes the point; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdKiY92WE40&feature=fvw
With the number of athletes we have, individual comments are impossible and even generalizations are difficult but here goes anyway:
1/ Efforts were strong and powerful.
2/ Technique(s) held together for the most part although you could tell who the “veterans” were.
3/ Less “running” than before.
4/ Hand control mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…..we work on that.
Be sure to look at the video, there was some crowding and make sure you freeze the image by clicking your mouse on the cursor. Look (at image) for the forward shin angle and body lean. Pole angle and control and the dorsiflexon of the foot. Go back and review some of the earlier video. Check out Roy and Seth in the video, strong athletes, different styles. http://www.flickr.com/photos/incomp/?saved=1 Be sure to check out http://www.skinnyski.com/ for Stump Farm Duathlon results and photos while online.
So this week get an image in your mind of what you want to look like and then work on it so that it is automatic. Practice makes PERMANENT. Great solid night, perhaps the best yet. We are hitting the home stretch so get a picture in your head and just like getting a picture from inside, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HmDISe8RYY we go again next Tue. at 5:26pm. I have to get the grass out of my shorts now.
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