Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hillbounding Oct. 23 2010 Twenty Something

West Yellowstone MT, this past weekend. Keith and Andy suffered with conditions like this.

Darkness greeted the 10th hillbounding session of the year and it was a night with many elements. There were 25 skiers that braved the 22 degree temps while doing 29 reps. The city closes the park early after mid November so parking becomes a problem but we squeeze in where we can. Last night was the first time we saw below freezing temps and no one wearing shorts (although Matt did strip down to a tee). Next year (reminder to self) we will shift the last two sessions to Saturday mornings but unless there is snow we shall have our last session at its regular time and place. Check here for updates next Tuesday.

The cold slowed the warm up a little and things looked a little sluggish to start but after 30 minutes everyone was up to operating temperature and things went smooth. I am seeing less and less of the glaring mistakes and more and more ski like bounding. The improvement over the first few weeks is quite stunning (note that those first few sessions give you a huge head start later on). The intensity was quite high; you could really see the “fog” pouring out of everyone’s mouth when silhouetted against the night lights. Sweet!

We are less than two weeks away from Birkie Class 17. If you plan on doing it sign up now as we have a limit. There are a lot of couples this year, that means you guys will have to behave, I’m curious about that. See . We have heard a lot of ideas for the jackets; Try one on here at the store to reserve your size.

There is snow up north and even more in Eastern MN. We are only a week or two away so put in your favorites and don’t forget to put in your own trail reviews but be careful for what you wish for Note the -3 was the high!! The Noodleini Run is this weekend but first the Turkey Trot takes off tomorrow

We stoneground a few dozen skis this morning, snow is coming and we have just one more hillbounding session. Check here for updates as we get close. Nice effort tonight! Think snow, lots of snow.

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