Overheard on the hill last night; “where is the rest”? It warms my cockles when I hear that.
If you did not notice the increased urgency last night, well good for you. The
pace definitely quickened, the recovery less complete. With a big (and
powerful) group like last nights it is easy to get caught up in the [fun] heat
of battle but it is important to keep your focus on what you are doing
technically. Fortunately most not only held it together but excelled. The good
thing about being cashed is that your body seeks ways to be more efficient.
Lets practice our little pole “toggle” drill a little more, it seemed to help. There
also seems to be some improvement in balance. We may bring some “wood” to the
hill soon (2X2) to enhance that process. Lastly, be sure to focus on that
forward shin, acute shin angle, positive shin angle (call it what you like) but
try and get forward by bending AT THE ANKLE, not the knee, neck or waist.
Birkie Class
18 will start December 6th and we will start sign up within the next
week. I liked what I saw last night. I could actually hear the breathing and
could see the speed. Very nice. Recover today, ski tomorrow as we have only 4
weeks till snow! Nice. See you at 5:23pm next week. In the meantime if you want to be cutting edge hip you can always watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qrjtr_uFac Too cool to be real!
If you did not notice the increased urgency last night, well good for you. The
pace definitely quickened, the recovery less complete. With a big (and
powerful) group like last nights it is easy to get caught up in the [fun] heat
of battle but it is important to keep your focus on what you are doing
technically. Fortunately most not only held it together but excelled. The good
thing about being cashed is that your body seeks ways to be more efficient.
Lets practice our little pole “toggle” drill a little more, it seemed to help. There
also seems to be some improvement in balance. We may bring some “wood” to the
hill soon (2X2) to enhance that process. Lastly, be sure to focus on that
forward shin, acute shin angle, positive shin angle (call it what you like) but
try and get forward by bending AT THE ANKLE, not the knee, neck or waist.
Birkie Class
18 will start December 6th and we will start sign up within the next
week. I liked what I saw last night. I could actually hear the breathing and
could see the speed. Very nice. Recover today, ski tomorrow as we have only 4
weeks till snow! Nice. See you at 5:23pm next week. In the meantime if you want to be cutting edge hip you can always watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qrjtr_uFac Too cool to be real!
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