For the final 18 skiers that braved the 32F temps with a brisk North wind last night (John in shorts!) the speedy wrap up of the season was a double blessing, the hill goes away for 9
months and snow historically come to GB in the next week or so.
The group ramped up the speed and shortened the efforts, typical for this time of the year as we get ready for snow. Our Paced Lactate Interval went (I thought) awesome. That may be a
keeper. Some of the numbers this season. We averaged 25 skiers a night with 30
reps averaged per session for more than a combined 750 trips up the hill over
11 weeks, whew!
The 18th Annual Birkie Class starts next Tuesday and yes we held a few slots for the late
comers. See http://www.incompetition.com/ for signup. We have several new ideas coming which I am sure will generate much enthusiasm [?]. Watch for the 1st group email coming in the next week.
Meanwhile….keep watching http://www.skinnyski.com/ for updates and don’t
forget to send in trail reports. If you have not signed up for our newsletter
updates you should (or die an un-beautiful person) Lots of stuff happening and
that is the best way to be informed and kept up to date. http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001o9BVU3HO12w70DsvKK-6-_jIbuy3LGOxLjBo4ABi3TAk86ctcDgSjX_RfHXm3cRXQSiHjFNFVOna6QgnPBYbRdcc8ugg5YWA
My initial thoughts on the year are one of improvement. The skill and output improvement from September until now was fantastic. Having lots of good role models certainly helps. These
are hard efforts and WILL make you a better skier and athlete. Nicely done. See you at the Birkie Class or on the trails.
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