Twenty two ambitious bounders took to the hill for a nice workout. The soft start got a little harder as we upped the quantity and the intensity a bit. The weather while a little cool at the start became perfect as we warmed to full temp. We worked in reps of three and accomplished eight sets. (EAT) I noticed a fair amount of center line cross-over, that is hands and arms crossing over the mainline body orientation. We will work on that. Look at the two photos above. Our Norwegian friend here seen as he finishes the Birkie (under 2:40 Classic and over 50 years old!) and our own Jim S. Stare at the photo and notice the "forward hip position" They look like they would tip over if not for the trailing ski coming forward to stop them. Nice. That is a good image to reflect on. Remember: There is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between classic and skating in that regard. If you let your hips fall back in either you will severely restrict glide.
Good work this week. Oct. beckons us to get out with poles. Never leave home without them.
Next week we start at 5:28pm. Top of the hill.
BOT = Bounding On Tuesday
EAT = Ernst Adjusted Tally
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