Twenty seven folks joined the night under what was ideal conditions. Cool and no wind made for comfortable efforts. We did 50 metric reps (31 in English terms) with some really good solid efforts both physically and technically.
You may notice in some of my grainy photos some folks "sitting back", that is, your hips have not come forward and rotated PAST the foot. Please note this is not dependant on speed. You should do it fast or slow. We will do something on that next week. Try to remember that we are ACTING, trying to simulate what it would be like while on snow. In skiing rotating your body forward is greatly rewarded with better glide and GLIDE IS EVERYTHING. Re-creating glide while training is tough and sometimes subtle and almost impossible when on the pipe (catchy term for going flat out hard) but it is why we are there. Maximize the effort by working on Technique, Aerobics and the Power (TAP). It was a fine effort and with noticeable improvement.........and I am fussy so good work.
We should have something to finalize the Birkie Training Class in the next few days. The basics are this.
Starts Dec. 9Th @ 6:00pm Aurora Sports Med facility in the I-43 center. We have to cap it at 40 folks and it should be hard as ever but on a new soft turf which is sweet on the feet.
We BOT (Bound on Tues) at 5:28 pm next week.
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