Twenty six bounders showed up from as far away as Sheboygan and even Hayward. They must be real gluttons for punishment. We did a powerful three rep set format with ever increasing speed and power as the night continued. The ending lactate interval was on the long side as no one went under three minutes and most could see four up close. Tough with some very solid efforts given. We still need to focus on arm control and a little more "core" involvement. I did notice some real technical improvement when individuals coalesced into groups. It may not

Look at the HRM graphing from someone who looks just like Steve P. HIPPA rules prevent me from naming the individual but he does look a lot like Steve. Note the quick recovery spikes and the forays into the RED ZONE, cool stuff these modern HRM's. Click on the graph to expand it. Of particular note is the double spike at the lactate interval at the end of the session. Note the quick recovery and then the return to the kill zone as he enters a tuck position. Even tucks take practice. The night went well and pretty quick. I hope everyone got a good buzz from it. We Run for the Border at 5:27pm next Tue. Check out the Birkie Class update on the previous post. Bring your own Burrito. Try to line up the photo's with the captions, I can't.
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