.......my dream job. When I retire you will be able to find me at the controls of a PB Paana winding my way out on some ski trail in northern WI.
A year ago to the day we had our 1st skiable snow and history repeats itself. The snow forcast from NOAA http://forecast.weather.gov//MapClick.php?FcstType=text&TempBox=1&WindBox=1&WeatherBox=1&PoPBox=1&textField1=44.519&textField2=-88.02&Submit=Submit&MapType=3&site=MPX&CiTemplate=0 calls for more snow and cold nights. Pinch me I'm dreaming. There is grooming both north and south with up to 10" in the Kettle Morraine. ORD to Ironwood has skiable snow. Locally the trails are being rolled but they need a little more work to be able to use the good skis. Check www.skinnyski.com as the trails reports are flowing in.
It looks like hillbounding is over for the year, don't be sad. You can see our channel 11 broadcast of our bounding session at: http://www.fox11online.com/dpp/good_day_wi/gdw_wluk_ski_fitness_200812020834_rev1
Birkie class starts in 7 days. There are a couple spots left. Tonight [really, tonight] start a crash course in crunches. 51 reps. You only a few days to get in shape and ve vill vork zem aabs. Be forewarned, 51 reps each night.
Cool video on Universal Sports of the World Cup. Watch the tempo.http://www.universalsports.com/mediaPlayer/media.dbml?&&_MODE_=ONDEMAND&DB_MENU_ID=&SPSID=105981&SPID=12760&DB_OEM_ID=23000&CLIP_ID=348704&CLIP_FILE_ID=353375
Snow is here. Get the skis scraped and go find it after your 51 reps.
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