I have not seen acting like that since Cool Hand Luke. The group actually had me convinced that you were suffering. What thespians! Had I not known what kidders you are I would have felt bad.
That is what good skiing is all about, acting out a motion and repeating it over and over [and over and over]. The more you repeat the motion the more likely it is to become permanent. That is why we want it perfect before we train. People generally learn new tasks three ways. Some can be simply told what to do and they can visualize it and achieve the task. Some need an image to see and others actually need to be postured in the correct effort. No one way is better than others but rather it is just the way it is.
I think it is extremely beneficial to watch and mimic better skiers. That said one has to be careful that they realize that the best skiers ski fast not because of a certain technique but rather use a technique because they are fast. An example is a world class male can V2 most courses today not because doing a V2 is faster but because they are fast enough to V2 [a lot]. It is an important distinction. A lot of skiers think that by doing such and such they will ski fast but in reality when you are skiing fast you will likely do those things. Try watching this video but be sure to fast forward through to the good stuff. http://www.universalsports.com/mediaPlayer/media.dbml?SPSID=105880&SPID=12760&DB_OEM_ID=23000&CLIP_ID=347575&CLIP_FILE_ID=352242&_MODE_=ONDEMAND&db_oem_id=23000 This is the women’s world cup opener this year in Sweden. I like watching the women as they typically ski smoother than the men and in practical terms race at a speed somewhat closer to us. Note by that I mean they could kick our butts and some would surely finish in the top 10 overall at the Birkie if not winning it outright! Note the push coming from the hips, very smooth and consistent. Note this is an interval start race and the fastest skiers go last.
We had a pretty solid night effort wise. Some of this is pretty stout stuff so remember my 1/3 failure rule. We continue until about a third of the group has to stop, that’s my sign that everything is going to be OK……or I’m sadistic. Now it is time to ski and there are no excuses as the snow is great. Go to www.skinnyski.com and read and submit trail reports. Skiing in groups is fun and really beneficial. Long trains of skiers dramatically help everyone improve. I am surprised not to see it being done more. Getting locked in stride with others is a fun way to ski fast and will make you very hip in the eyes of others, so will listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqW3zGeeIUU&feature=related and if that is not enough you could try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7B238iwAmw but be careful, that kind of cool can hurt you if you are not already skunky.
We start at 6:00 pm next Tue. So set your sundials 10 minutes ahead and SO2
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