It started. Birkie Class XVI is on and we are making changes already. I expected some start up hiccups and we have already addressed them. We are going to open up the area a little giving us more room. How we managed that before is beyond me. The search for the lost riser bases has begun and the sound system will be muffled by next week. We already have a complete roster done and everyone will be copied on that by next week. Please feel free to use the locker facilities located on the right as you approach the gym. I will be there as Sam H. says seeing my midriff gives him the heebies.
A couple points of interest: WE FORGOT THE ROPES! I had them there but we ran out of time. Bummer. That is possibly the most fun thing a lot of folks will ever do, of course those people have been locked away in a Greek prison for thirty years. Rest assured we will use them soon.
Technically it was better than expected [don’t confuse that with great] and for a very easy start it went pretty good. Note though that when really tired your brain is not the boss and that any motion if not automatic will not be there. Practice makes permanent, not perfect. The turnout was stellar. This has to be the highest 1st night ever.
The jackets are at the printer and hopefully will be done next week. They are the best yet by far. We have two colors somewhat divided by size. Some will wear blue and some black based on size. Both are nice and the blue matches the twinkle in your eyes.
Since snow is here and conditions range from good to great I would try to ski at least three days a week. Virtually all trails from GB south to MKE are good. Put http://www.skinnyski.com/ in your “Favorites” and keep up and write a few trail reports. It’s fun and easy and you can even send in some photos. Many have asked about lesson and classes be sure and look at www.incompetition@tds.net . There is info on our home page.
I hope no-one got sore because if you did you will not like next week. The rope returns bringing with it death and destruction, well at least death. We hit go time at 6:00 pm with the snow brief.
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