Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Birkie Class Week 1 Calm Before Storm
To the veterans of the Birkie class they know what I mean. To others I hope last night was a quick way to get up to speed. Be assured we will ramp things up next week. We have a record number of folks in the group this year (I count on ten people NOT showing up each week). We are a little cramped but it should get better as more gear returns and we get situated.
Housekeeping: Because we have such a large group please use the locker rooms but store your gear in the cubby’s as much as possible. Please check in at the front desk, they like to know who is in the building. Jackets are being printed and for those who were not there last night we used your suggested size as our guide. I expect a few weeks on these as everyone is in the Christmas rush and the larger than expect numbers made us order more from Craft.
A few words about effort. This training will get hard but it is NOT a contest. I would rather have you LEARN from this than kill yourself. The thing I would like to see is muscle memory improvement; I (over and over) always say that practice makes…….permanent but not always perfect. Repetitive activity is critical and will have a huge impact on your skiing. We have room to improve on balance (lots of room actually) and while there appears to be some strength deficiencies I am confident that we will overcome that quickly. Skiing (like a lot of sports) is a series of contractions followed by periods of relaxation/recovery. If you spend more time per stroke in a recovery phase than a propulsive phase you save energy. Skiing is all about energy conservation. THERE ARE ONLY TWO WAYS TO SKI FASTER: TURN OVER FASTER OR TAKE A LONGER STRIDE. Turn over is finite which leaves us with stride length. Longer strides demand higher aerobics and strength with technique improvement. Please remember that technique will get you farther and faster (and is more fun). I found some video links that you may like, some are skiing, and some are training:
V1 (one step in other parts of the world) Use for slower speeds like uphill’s or harder conditions. Can work everywhere.
V2 Alternate (open Field Skate for us old farts) Use at faster speeds. Very fast and efficient.
V2: Use at higher speeds and is becoming common for faster racers. High balance demand but smooth and fast.
The other strokes, Diagonal Skate, Jump skate, Free skate and our crossover stroke, the Double Pole are less used but good to know.
This was actually adapted from our class (really)
This has some of the ideas we use. Not great production but good to know.
Miscellaneous: The Birkie is filling up. There are well under 1000 slots left for the race so if you are planning to do it, get your entry in now. Bets are that it fills before New Year. See for info and be sure to look at “race info” for qualifying races unless you like the 10th wave. There is snow all around us and it looks like we will get our turn soon. Don’t forget to put into your favorites and to submit trail reports as we get on snow. We are having an early wax clinic this Saturday at 9:00AM. We have already waxed hundreds of skis this season, practice makes permanent you know. This is a chance to re-fresh your memory. See for info.
Next week we launch at 5:57 pm. We start with the sticks, practice your balance!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hillbounding Finale Nov.30 The Dirty Dozen
UPDATE 12-1-10
As I promised we did see snow today, not a lot but it is white. The forecast is for colder conditions making the possibility of at least pond skiing for real as we see freeze up. Check for snow reports.
Stop, drop and roll. A fire safety drill? For the dozen skiers who ended the season of hillbounding tonight it meant simulating getting tripped up and recovering as you charge up the powerline hills. It also meant some dirty knees and a less than stylish way to “get back on” in the event you face plant during the Birkie (sooner or later it will happen).
Snow was falling and temps at Zero (C) as we finished the season with over a thousand collective reps up that hill. The group averaged 33 folks this season (a new record) and collectively performed at the highest level in recent memory. Critically speaking we had outstanding technical improvement and a higher level of technical understanding than ever before. I never worry about the physical output, the hill takes care of that and with a little testosterone thrown in, this workout can only be considered a brute!
So, where do you go from here? For some this is just a continuation of their summer training and for others it will continue with the 17th ANNUAL BIRKIE TRAINING CLASS that starts next Tuesday at the Aurora Sport Medicine Center. See for more info. As we approach snow note a few things. Take it easy. Get the ski legs under you and spend all your mental and physical effort working solely on TECHNIQUE. 50 to 100 km should be spent going slow and efficiently. There is absolutely no benefit to going hard early. Skiing alone and with a HRM is a good idea. Focusing on being technically good will pay big dividends later.
For those in the Birkie class expect an email soon. There will be some changes and even some (eeek) baseline testing. I would like to see some quantifiable improvements this year, expect some new ideas (yikes), they should not hurt………..much.
I had fun this year. You guys made it so and your hard work WILL pay off. You may even find it all downhill from here. There is only 9 months or so until we meet on the hill again so take advantage of your conditioning and your skills and we will see you on the trails. I will try and post here regularly so stay in touch. Please feel free to email me at Skal vi gå går på ski
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hillbounding Oct. 23 2010 Twenty Something
The cold slowed the warm up a little and things looked a little sluggish to start but after 30 minutes everyone was up to operating temperature and things went smooth. I am seeing less and less of the glaring mistakes and more and more ski like bounding. The improvement over the first few weeks is quite stunning (note that those first few sessions give you a huge head start later on). The intensity was quite high; you could really see the “fog” pouring out of everyone’s mouth when silhouetted against the night lights. Sweet!
We are less than two weeks away from Birkie Class 17. If you plan on doing it sign up now as we have a limit. There are a lot of couples this year, that means you guys will have to behave, I’m curious about that. See . We have heard a lot of ideas for the jackets; Try one on here at the store to reserve your size.
There is snow up north and even more in Eastern MN. We are only a week or two away so put in your favorites and don’t forget to put in your own trail reviews but be careful for what you wish for Note the -3 was the high!! The Noodleini Run is this weekend but first the Turkey Trot takes off tomorrow
We stoneground a few dozen skis this morning, snow is coming and we have just one more hillbounding session. Check here for updates as we get close. Nice effort tonight! Think snow, lots of snow.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hillbounding November 16th Circle the Herd
The new V1 slide move we did went pretty well. It was harder than some thought and TIME WISE it took a little longer and used some mussscccles we are not used to. That makes it a keeper. I was smilin’ when I saw the efforts to pass each during the rope pull to the fence. I never saw Andy cross the knoll so fast.
Poling looked better, perhaps my little strap diatribe did some good but it was a noticeable improvement. As we enter the final TWO weeks (I know I said one but math was not my forte) we need to have that final build up to snow. Once snow comes you will need to slow your intensity and get those ski legs back but hillbounding will help make that adjustment dramatically easier.
With snow around the corner (there is snow on the ground in northern WI and in MN) you should be checking for trail updates. Put it in your favorites. There are several from the group and GB heading to West Yellowstone Camp this next week. Drink like a fish, it is 6600’ and goes up from there. These weeks before snow should be peak hour weeks, get out there and remember we will be on snow soon.
The 17th Birkie Class registration is up and running. If you are by the store check out the Team Craft Jacket. It certainly is the best we have ever had We are limited on class size so it is important to let me know. I am building an email class roster which will be our method of communication. Go to to register.
Steve was so gassed last night he sent me his HRM strip but forgot to attach it. He looked like a dead man at the end but that puts him in good company. NOTE: The GB Parks SOMETIMES locks the lower gate to Bairds Creek. Park where you can and walk to the top, it is a nice warmup. Next week at 5:28pm.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hillbounding Nov. 9 2010 Too'fer Tuesday
We should do a few more things next go round.
Poles, for our application short is good and get those straps on tight! I saw many loose poles. Something as mundane as a loose pole strap can have a very negative effect on your arm swing and leg drive. Take a minute to get those straps right.
We will continue the “Body Rope”. The forward lean from the ankle was pronounced, now we must memorize that position.
Get your heads up and find skiers and then find (quickly) a way to be more efficient. In racing another skier is all about energy conservation, if you can ski the same speed while expending less energy – you win. Think about that.
All in all it was a great night. It is not often in November we get conditions like that where more people wore shorts than not. Mike and Matt even gave a little sneak preview of their secret ambition . We go again next week at 5:26 pm. Expect colder conditions as we will see snow in the next two weeks. Birkie Class registration opens soon and Deb is finalizing things now. Save the date of December 7. Look at our website later this week. Another note, The Ashwaubenon Ski Team is looking for older skis, boots and bindings for their team. If you have some and want to donate them they sure can use them as they have a lot of kids out this year. Drop them with us and they will get to the team.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hillbounding Nov. 2nd Pictures Don't Lie
Video linked in at Up now.
Wow indeed, what else can be said about 46 skiers bounding up a hill. The night was right for bounding with 40 degree temps, no wind and dry air as the group responded with a 30 rep output that improves with each week.
Thanks to Kyle Demerath for his exhibition of dynamic technique (after already being on the hill for 90 minutes). I hope that picture is burned into your memory banks. Seeing the image is important but being able to replicate it takes [repetitive] training, that is why we train and sometimes train tired. I watch world class skiers racing and they do indeed hold it together technically but it comes from thousands of repetitive hours training it over and over. Here is a quick but impressive video that dramatizes the point;
With the number of athletes we have, individual comments are impossible and even generalizations are difficult but here goes anyway:
1/ Efforts were strong and powerful.
2/ Technique(s) held together for the most part although you could tell who the “veterans” were.
3/ Less “running” than before.
4/ Hand control mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…..we work on that.
Be sure to look at the video, there was some crowding and make sure you freeze the image by clicking your mouse on the cursor. Look (at image) for the forward shin angle and body lean. Pole angle and control and the dorsiflexon of the foot. Go back and review some of the earlier video. Check out Roy and Seth in the video, strong athletes, different styles. Be sure to check out for Stump Farm Duathlon results and photos while online.
So this week get an image in your mind of what you want to look like and then work on it so that it is automatic. Practice makes PERMANENT. Great solid night, perhaps the best yet. We are hitting the home stretch so get a picture in your head and just like getting a picture from inside, we go again next Tue. at 5:26pm. I have to get the grass out of my shorts now.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hillbounding Oct.26th 2010 Wild, Whipped, Windy.
· Head down
· High foot carry (running)
· Hand/arm collapse (when tired)
· Not enough POOF.
The good news is that the bad points are occurring less and less and say halleluiah dear friends most are GETTING IT. Nice.
You need/must to go to and review the video of Santi Ocariz. Santi is a former UWGB student, now CXC Team skier and good kid. Compare the “punch” he has. Be sure and run your mouse over the cursor to freeze it. As always expand the image to get the best view. If you see ANYTHING look at the forward lean FROM THE ANKLE that he has. That, dear friends is PROJECTING your weight forward. That, dear friends……..comes from the hip.
After viewing go back some weeks and compare other videos, it’s always fun….once you get over the depression.
Steve says he was gassed after our twenty four reps (he missed a few if you’re counting). While this was a solid workout (did you like the accelerations?) we need to keep up that focus on technique. Next time we will have lights and hopefully no wind but at least the bugs are gone and we had a great night. Good effort. Keep going out and if you ride or run the Ashwaubenon Duathlon is this weekend. and keep the groove and the wind behind you the next few days with Next week we start at 5:27pm.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hillbounding Oct.19th 2010 Demanding
The answer is about one wave at the Birkie or some dude saying you make it look easy as opposed to saying how cashed you look.
(Improved) Technique is for most of us the only realistic way we will improve at skiing. Physically time has a lot of us beat but I GUARANTEE that no one over fifty thinks that they were smarter when in their twenties. Good technique takes smarts, smarts that sometimes only comes with experience, oh yea, that’s we train so hard. Note the recovery time on Steve's HRM Strip, chalk that up to "educational processing".
Tonight was certainly the hardest effort yet. I doubt we will go much harder but I think we have room to move technically and I would expect our speed to improve even if the effort does not increase. I would go to the video and look for a few things. Note there is two weeks worth with some individual stuff we shot tonight before the group. Be sure and expand the image and hold your mouse on the slide to freeze frame the image. Here are the easy things I see.
1. Lots of droopy heads. A/ When your head is down your Center of Gravity (CG) changes. B/ You decrease the amount of air you can take in AND out. C/ You can’t respond to the dork who just face planted in front of you.
2. Still seeing some running out there. S-L-I-D-E the foot. Keeping the foot in CONTACT with the ground/snow longer gives you a longer stride. Longer stride = more distance per stroke = moving up a wave at the Birkie.
3. Pole angle and control coming into its own. Good thing!
4. Make a note about tempo. Next week we will add “POP” or Push Off Power to our list of dorky Ernst acronyms. As hard as it feels it does not “look” that hard. That’s the beauty of cameras, they never lie.
Lastly some terminology review. In skate skiing there are seven basic strokes. Some are more important than others and most are speed/terrain/conditioning sensitive. Check these out.
· V1 (one step in other parts of the world) Use for slower speeds like uphill’s or harder conditions. Can work everywhere.
· V2 Alternate (open Field Skate for us old farts) Use at faster speeds. Very fast and efficient.
· V2: Use at higher speeds and is becoming common for faster racers. High balance demand but smooth and fast.
The other strokes, Diagonal Skate, Jump skate, Free skate and our crossover stroke, the Double Pole are less used but good to know.
I appreciate the strong output tonight, it’s really hard sometimes but that is why we do it as a group. This is a tough night that you can center your week on. If it was easy everyone would do it (even me). We will see you next week at 5:28pm.
Butch Reimer passed away tonight. Butch is the ski coach at UWGB, a great guy and my friend. It is not fair and it's not right but it happened. Think of Butch as you go about your own life and then live your life… to the fullest.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hillbounding Oct. 12th 2010 Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaa Bounding
The videos turned out good but there are a few caveats. When filming a lot of people it is hard to get a long image of any one skier. For the future note the spacing as we film. We want everyone to get on camera. I also note the “tension” level goes up when the camera goes on. Relax, so what if the whole internet can see your lousy pole control.
A few notes about the tape. These are GENERAL comments and may not (but probably do) pertain to you.
· Pole control/angle, too much “grippin” and not enough pole ANGLE and the tip coming too far forward. You only get push when the pole is pushing [duh].
· Lots of pole “clutching”. Relax your grip. Let the STRAPS do the work. Gripping that pole tight restricts arm swing which will retard the leg extension. Major issue here. Adjust straps and then USE them.
· Still some running out there. Watch the foot. Go back a few weeks and re-fresh the dorsiflexion image.
· POOF, Push Off Outside of Foot is a function of commitment and a big push. It seems as the effort increases the effectiveness improves.
Watch the videos and be sure to expand the image to get a clearer view. You can slow or stop them as well. It is a little congested but seeing yourself is always valuable….if not a little painful.
You will note Steve’s HRM strip today looks different. The base of the “spikes” is narrower which tells me of a faster recovery, that or Steve spent the night in Jorams vortex. Click to expand it.
I found a video of Andy Lulloff showing his “CXC Special” Technique. He’s better now
All in all the effort was strong and if there was any doubt the soft start is over. It was a fearsome last few reps, very impressive. You should be pleased as the reps (29) and the intensity are climbing and the technical skills improving, sweet.
Next week we put the Team in bounding, be ready at 5:27pm as we go up.
Lastly Butch Reimer soldiers on in his struggle with Leukemia. Keep him in your thoughts as you head out the door. I know he would like to be doing this with us.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hillbound 10 Oct 5 POOF 'aint' the Magic Dragon
Oct 5th Photos up now at // Click on HRM strip to expand image.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sept. 28 Hillbounding with a Passion
- There is still some "sitting back". We MUST address that. The idea of forward rotation is a foreign one but is fundamental. Remind me to talk about that.
- Running (not bounding) is still prevalent, especially when tired (surprise). Look at the photo's and specifically the foot angle at the end of the "push".
- Poles. There still is some creative poling going on out there and while I like free thinking you need to fall with accepted parameters. Remember to get the straps on right and tight. A simple thing like loose pole straps can doom you to goofy poling and a lifetime of flailing.
- Knolls were made to run and deep tucks mean deep. I saw many cases of the Ernst Resting Tuck (ERT) Remember practice makes PERMANENT!
All in all it went pretty darn good. Several surprised me with very solid technique and there was certainly hard efforts. Don't be afraid to sit out a rep or two. Get to mid hill and watch the profile view. You can learn a lot. We will probably hold steady the reps and try and speed up the recovery more, [uggg]. The Skeeters should be gone by next week and cooler temps will help.
One last word on Lactate Intervals. These are super hard efforts. If you enjoy them I would question your thought process, but they are very beneficial. LI's for most are simply physical efforts but serious athletes know that they develop the ability to MAINTAIN COMPOSURE while exhausted. That is very fundamental because when your technique breaks down you burn energy at vastly higher rates, speeding up even more the inevitable death shuffle, and that's not fun.
Things went good and you can be pleased with the effort. We have room to improve and that's a good thing. A few more notes. The Green Bay Duathlon is next weekend . A good time to get the bike out one last time. October is here, keep those poles handy and if you are rollerskiing keep your tips sharp as dull ferrules cause technical glitches and sore "rollerski elbows". My new bud Parker (age 13) showed me why it takes passion to do hillbounding and my other bud Graham Parker put it to words Being hip means knowing no pain.
Nice job, thanks for being on time at 5:28pm.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hillbounding 10 Bloodthirsty Bounding Sept.21
- Faster Turn-around. More recovery in less time. In most sports that is the name of the game. We did OK but there is room to improve.
- Pole orientation. Note that what we do is to simulate skiing. We are in essence "acting" and the hand/arm actions would not have won an Emmy
- Balance. This is a great time to exaggerate that weight shift/weight transfer movement. Balance is learned...not inherent and balance when tired needs to be trained for.
- BREATH, breathe more, breathe harder, breathe like bull. It is hard enough, holding your breathe does not help.
- Find the rock. I know it's there somewhere.
I am working on downloading some photo's but my camera is smarter than me (does not take much)Look at some of the photo's, you will find them on Flikr at and I will edit in the link to them as I get them in. Note a lot of "sitting back" postures, will will talk about that. Sitting back is a most grievous of technical mistakes but is reasonably easy to get rid of. Soon you may be feeling a little DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)... don't call me. Get hydrated and go for an easy ride, swim or brisk hike to recover. When things ramp up you will have to treat this as a race like effort. Hopefully it will cool down soon and millions of skeeters will die a lingering death (bitter). Remember that on a bike you subtract 15F from the actual temp, running you add 15F, XC skiing you add 20F and Hillbounding adds 30F, dress light, dress right.
Very nice to see the enthusiasm and the large number of folks, this is the toughest workout in town so well done, most won't do it you will be better for it. We start the warm up and briefing at 5:28pm next week. We go regardless of weather and the lights will be on and as always, never leave your house without ski poles after Oct.1st
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
TNR Goodbye Hello to Winter, Hillbounding is Here
The last “official” TNR of the season was last night and half a dozen riders enjoyed sun and pleasant mid-Sept conditions. As good as riding is now it was nice to have the arm warmers on. There is lots of good riding left and for those that are heat challenged this is a great time of year. The Fat Tire Fest is this weekend and course conditions are said to be good but wet. There is some predicted rain this week so have your bike well lubed before the race. Remember that the race does not end until your bike is cleaned afterwards. Expect new cables after a wet race which is inexpensive and fairly easy to put in. Cables make or break you, don’t scrimp, unless you want to be riding a single speed!
There seems to be a lot of interest in HILLBOUNDING this year. We start next Tuesday the 21st at 5:28pm at the Bairds Creek (Triangle Hill Sports Area). for directions and info. What to expect: We typically see 25-35 people of lots of different abilities. Because we are concentrated on one hill you cannot get left behind. We alternate repetitions up the hill, some with poles, some without and some with ropes and partners in tandem. There is a strength component as well. Hillbounding is very aerobic, incorporates a huge strength element and is done with a specific technical goal in mind. We really stress proper and correct technique. This is NOT just running up a hill. To that end you will need a pair of cross country ski poles that are roughly to the armpit in length. They do not have to be too good although you will impress the others if you bring nice carbon poles. I will have about 15 pair available and will supply the ropes. Bring water bottles and dry clothes, we go rain or shine (cold is certainly not an issue after 10 minutes) and you can expect to sweat….a lot! We start the warm-up at 5:30pm so come a little early. The first week is a soft start but VERY IMPORTANT to get some of the technique stuff ingrained. The grass is cut, the lights work and the turf is soft. See you then.
A quick update for those interested in the Bay Nordic Youth Ski League. Things are coming together. Check this out. and be sure to note the link for the Stump Farm Trail Run and Duathlon on Oct. 31st.
Lots to do, go for a hike or run with those ski poles, don’t put the bike away but do dust off the rollerskis. There is energy in the air, be sure and be part of it.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
TNR Sept. 7. Snipe hunt and more
Todd then proceeded to curse like a sailor for a few minutes until his phone rang…….”yes dear…..yes dear… dear…..yes dear, I’ll pick up some cream for your lumbago” as he left for home. It was a lousy night to ride and only slightly better in the morning as I did the 50/50 ride. That is any ride on a windy day; you have fun 50% of the time!
The Madison Ironman and Door County Century are this weekend. There are lots of local folks doing the race this year and many volunteering to enhance their chance of getting in next year as they get an entry preference to the always at capacity event.
The Door County Century has a record number of participants (over 2100). The weather looks iffy for Saturday but great on ride day (Sunday).
The FTF has a new press release as riders tune up for the Biggie of all mountain bike events in Hayward.
Shortly thereafter we ramp up ski season with Hillbounding 10 to start on September 21, at 5:30pm at Bairds Creek. I will have a complete overview here next week. Lastly check out my buddy and all around wacky dude Floyd in this article Todd passed on today. This may help understand him
See you in DC, SO2
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
TNR Aug. 31st Rain Rain, It did stay away.
A few quick updates:
The Cloverleaf Triathlon is this weekend. A smaller but fun event.
The Door County Century and the Wisconsin Ironman are just two weeks out. For DCC riders now is the time to tune up. For IMW folks it is time to stay loose and R E L A X. and
The Fat Tire is coming with a new BIG TENT. Check it out at
We are seeing a lot of “flooded” bikes from Ore to Shore and the wet summer in general. Aluminum and Carbon frames do not rust…but everything else does!! Get those bearings, headset and BB opened up and lubed. We know exactly how much they cost to replace….and so will you if they are ignored.
Hillbounding 2010 starts September 21st at 5:30pm At the Bairds Creek Ski Hill. We have lights and I will have some extra poles. Short (to the armpit length) poles with straps are preferred. This is an evil and wicked workout but we do stay together. Bring bottles, dry clothes and a friend. We will have a soft start but be ready with a little advanced poling and striding. After nine months off I don’t remember it being that bad. I’m sure that first rep up the hill will snap me back to reality.
Keep Riding, enjoy summer and SO2
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
TNR Aug. 24th Race News, Events and More
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
TNR Aug 11 Swim, Sizzle, Sweat and Western Video
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
TNR 8-3-10 Sweatiful. Raleigh Dealer Preview
I am in the middle of the book ROADIE. It is a great read and is almost like looking in the mirror. I strongly recommend it. Painfully honest, funny and totally accurate it would be a great book to explain to non-riders why we ride.
Deb and I just returned from the Raleigh America Dealer Show in Cle Elum in Washington State. The beautiful Suncadia resort hosted the show. In addition to first rate accommodations and food out of this world we got to ride our choice of hundreds of bikes both road and mountain. We also met with the big wigs of the oldest bike company on earth [123 years old] some highlights: Again the Di2 Dura Ace bikes were a hit. Expensive but totally cool, if you ever get the chance………Raleigh has a Single Speed, Cr-Mo BELT DRIVE 29r that got a lot of play, neat to beat and ultra quiet for those clandestine trail rides through the camp. Shimano was there with the NEW XTR 10 speed setup. Very pretty and very customizable. The new Dura Ace Carbon pedal was there, just when you thought it could not get lighter! They had a slew of internally geared urban and utility bikes which are not glamorous but very high tech and very efficient. I see one in my future.
We had dinner with the head of Raleigh who jetted in from England. Great guy who is enthusiastic out the new Pro Team they are building with hopefully a TdF bid in the next few years. All in all a great time and a great learning experience. Check out the pictures on Flikr and the DB Freestyle Team Riders, who are totally nuts by the way. Enjoy the heat as we go again next week. SO2
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
TNR July 20 Riding the Storm Out and DCT news
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
TNR July 13. A Dandy Day to Ride
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Why Wood and Helmets Don't Mix
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bike Movie Updates and DCT info.
Movie details:
Marinette Event:
Green Bay Event:
It is a cool flick about the Leadville 100 and Lance's big win there last year.
This is the latest update from the Door County Triathlon. It is filling fast so do not delay. As of Tuesday night, there are exactly 1,828 registered participants in the Door County Triathlon – 944 in the Sprint and 884 in the Half Iron.
This means that there are just over 50 spots left in the Sprint and just over 100 spots left in the Half Iron.
If you have friends, family, co-workers or acquaintances who plan to participate, call them and urge them to REGISTER TODAY. Since this event has a HARD CAPACITY LIMIT, there will be no “squeezing in” additional participants after the events are sold out.
Thanks for your help with this event!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
TNR June 29th Perfect over Perfect
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
TNR April 20 The Bold and the Beautiful
Nice ride, good weather means no better than that.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Dick Lytie Spring Classic 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Scott Jansky M 36
Men 18 & Under
1. Benedict Wagner
2. Austin Holmes
Overall – Women
Krista Cornelins F 31
Women 18 & Under
1.Lilly Johnson
2.Annie Deamlow
Men 19-29
1. Michael Steffek
2. Tim Kowols
3. Cassidy Mc Gowan
Women 19-29
1. Mary Beth Lexow
2. Kari Arkens
3. Lara Eslinger
Men 30-39
1. Scott Jansky
2. Brad Poppele
3. Rob Hampton
Women 30-39
1. Krista Cornelins
2. Laura Ankrum
3. Tammy Wagner
Men 40-49
1. Russell Soukup
2. Stuart Kolb
3. Mike Servais
Women 40-49
1. Mary Bolich
2. Cleo Ferris
3. Terssa Moore
Men 50-59
1. Mark Werner
2. Jon Vovak
3. Raphael Clark
Women 50-59
1. Martha Karban
2. Maureen Hass
3. Josephine Lepley
Men 60 & Over
1. Alan Kraszewsla
2. Cary Segall
3. Roy Pirrung
Women 60 & Over
1. Mary Cox
2. Rosie Jonas
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Overall - Men
Justin Darron (M23)
Men 18 & Under
1. Nick Freitag
2. Aidan May
3. Kristofer Vansicke
4. Dan Vopal
Overall – Women
Jennifer Chaudoir F 35
Women 18 & Under
1. Bailey Wolf
2. Nadia May
3. Rebekah Noll
Men 19-29
1. Justin Darron
2. Steven Gromaki
3. Alex Socha
Women 19-29
1. Kari Gondeck
2. Cami Vanooyen
3. Aimee Bachman
Men 30-39
1. Orion Jones
2. John Houle
3. Mike Lebeau
Women 30-39
1. Jennifer chaudoir
2. Erin Blozinski
3. Heather Tuttle
Men 40-49
1. David Lepianka
2. Todd Charnetski
3. Bob LeSage
Women 40-49
1. Gina Kersten
2. Darcy Ayn Staudinger
3. Denise O’Kimash
Men 50-59
1. Bob Bins
2. Mark Constancio
3. Jerry Feldhausen
Women 50-59
1. Kitty Thomas
2. Lynda Drews
3. Lois Snyder
Men 60 & Over
1. Doug Jansky
2. Mark Warpinski
3. Bill Hartung
Women 60 & Over
1. Irene Stock
2. Barb Tuttle
3. Marcia Mc Collum