As the avowed leader of the Old Fat Guys who are Stiff as Bricks Club, I was shocked to see that virtually no one could slide their foot down to the floor from a paltry 8 inches. That tells me that lots of folks are not comfortable with their balance and have not developed the strength required to maintain a hips forward, flexed knee position. Remember the icy conditions last week? The people who thrive in these conditions (ME) are the ones comfortable in this position; it is not hard to see the parallel there. As a good note more and more of you are figuring out the Super Plank (Planck in German) position. It is really not about strength but rather control and controlling your effort. I am also getting very impressed with your Super Vee Crunch. Collectively this is certainly the best group ever to do these. It takes an inordinate amount of strength with control to pull this off, nice. Goals for next week include getting the triceps parallel with the floor when stepping up and more pelvic tilt on the rope pull.
The divine Ms. Lulloff reminded me (in between winking at Tyson,) that her TFL was sore. Good. The TFL is a major ski muscle connecting the quad with the Real men skiers would be more apt to wear a Speedo and flex that muscle to impress skier chicks rather than their biceps (if they had any).
We still have a few jackets to hand out and they are here, with your names on them. I will also bring them next week. The new snow yesterday really helped clean up the trails and more is forecast later this week. Things are looking good for that OD ski this weekend, now get to waxing. Speaking of wax we are having a WAX CLINIC here tonight at 6:00pm See . I want to review basic wax application and hot cleaning as the snow we had was quite dirty and most skis benefit from cleaning.
As you may have noticed the 2nd installment of the Bay Nordic group was last weekend. Over 130 kids and nearly 100 parents and coaches made for a great day. See Steve Hoffman’s photo’s at
Saturday also was one of the busiest days in years at the camp. The number of skiers taking to the trails is outstanding. I saw skiers from Madison/MKE and the UP there, wow.
Good solid effort last night. I would ask that you “Work the Wood” and do some balance drills this next week. Next week we start (really) at 6:00pm so tell your family, staff, dog and others under your purview that you are unavailable after 5pm.
Lastly Todd Rosvold has an interesting method of calculating per kilometers times. My response is below his. See his:
Average speed calculations
20.512 Average speed = distance/time
Distance 29.4 Minutes 42 60 0.700
Hours 1 Seconds 1.45 60 0.024
Minutes 21
Seconds 50
Total Time 1.2150
Time Factor 1.433
Time factor 0.724
1.367 Time = distance/average speed
Distance 29.4
Ave. Speed 21.5 99.7
30.817 Distance = time * average speed 114.9942
Hours 1
Minutes 21
Seconds 50.00
Total time 1.43
Ave. Speed 21.5
#DIV/0! Average speed = distance/time
Distance 29.5
Now mine:
and after that check out as you do your drills.
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