What a crowd, what gluttons for punishment. It was a busy night for the upper body. I have already heard of some tired arms. Paul Braun reports that his arms felt like doggy doo this AM as he circulated the Neshota hills. After 7 weeks I am seeing strong aerobics, and pretty good strength. I am a little nervous about the balance thing however. Balance is like strength, it is very trainable and very important as it effects the way you ride a ski. A strong balance component allows you to ride a flatter ski and flat skis are fast skis. FLAT SKIS ARE FAST SKIS. (worth repeating). Practice your balance drills. Jo and I have a new rope drill for next week, your hips will love it, blame her if you hate it.
The snow is great but the temps are predicted to fall. Morning skiers will almost certainly be facing sub zero or single digit temps, combine that with fresh, fine grained snow and you have a recipe for slow skis. I mentioned PRE-WAXING skis in anticipation of applying cold waxes. The high temps required to apply a cold wax can (will) damage a ski base. Pre-waxing means applying a base coat so that you are not waxing a DRY SKI. If you have a wax job in place that has not been used you are ready, if not, you just apply a coat of a SLIGHTLY warmer (Swix CH/LF 6 or 7 - Toko Red) like you always do, scrape and do a brushing and then go on to the colder wax. Remember, prewaxing is NOT the wax you ski on, it does not have to be perfect, don't spend a lot of time on it, save that for the cold wax that comes next. They are predicting
- 20F temps up north this week. Get out the handwarmers. At cold temps Balaclava's are a smart choice, staying warm is nice, staying healthy is critical.
Most of you have the jackets and are reporting they are nice and warm. Lighter base layers are all you will most likely need. Andy reports that they show off his ripplin' pec's and that chicks dig it, sort of. Speaking of jackets, do you know why dogs are MAN'S best friend? Because guys like dogs! Barky the dog was a hit with the dudes but the gals vetoed him. Poor Barky.
Time to go ski. The snow is at it's best and this will be a good time to experiment with waxes and cold weather clothing. Skiing in cold also sucks calories, always a good thing.
We had a good workout last night and as we hit week eight expect a mini peak as we introduce a few new ideas and bring up the intensity a notch. The Birkie Tour is this weekend as is the MPLS JOQ with several local juniors racing. The 3rd session of BayNordic is this Saturday so watch for the hoards of munchkins at the camp. For most this will be an OD weekend. Get to it....with a friend.
See www.skinnyski.com for trails and weather.
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