Whew whew, 49 skiers pulled the train last night in a workout bound for glory. It was an impressive night to watch as the efforts were both physical and technically improved (noticed I said improved, not perfect). The line lead by Joram and Steve was “on” all night. We may orient that way from now on as it really helps to have someone in front of you and the Birkie is after all just a series of packs heading down the trail. I would be a jeenyus if I had actually thought that one up. Andy L. has a new twist to doing crunches next week…..you can blame him. Meanwhile our balance drill with the WOOD needs still more work. Do your homework and don’t be in the 80% with (medial) knee collapse. Hide that binding as you ski with your knee.
News: Kris Freeman of the USST is placing well in the World Cup Tour de Ski. To give you an idea of the intensity at that level, in one race the top 11 skiers finished within 11 seconds of each other.
See www.skinnyski.com or more and for trail reports.
Bay Nordic continues this Saturday at 10:00am. Lots of fun and fun to watch. http://baynordic.blogspot.com/
The trails are amazingly good considering the weather. Having a Pisten Bully really can save the day, look for areas that have one. Here is what we are looking at for a new machine. http://www.pistenbullyusa.com/en/products/pistenbully-100/standard.html That would be my dream job!
We have a wax clinic next Wednesday the 12th, the Women’s Tea and Ski continues next week and there are a couple slots available for a skating clinic on the 15th. We have a free entry for the Seely Hills Classic coming up and the Boulder Lake (near Duluth) if anyone wants them. See www.incompetition.com for a schedule.
Be sure and get in the right mindset and improve your Hip Score by getting on this before next week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piUWIqWSthA
The important thing now is to ski. Do your balance drills and focus on proper technique on the fast snow we have. Lakewood has good snow and the big terrain needed to simulate the Birkie trail. The Birkie has 8900 skiers ready to ski, be sure you are ready too.
Next week the rope returns as we board the ski train at 5:54pm.
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