Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Melissa Dupke, the famous one, has taken upon herself to reincarnate the womens only ride. In conjuction with that we are helping to coordinate it with maps, ride support, techwork and facilities. The 1st is Monday nights (see Melissa's letter) at 5:30 pm from here. The Monday ride is a no drop ride but it is a road ride. Please have the appropriate bike. This is not a brutal ride but expect an 16-20 mph pace which is very "do-able" by those in shape or by those who want to be. A great place to learn we have several women who will lead.

Greetings All!

Hope this message finds all of you well and anticipating the great riding to be done now that spring has finally sprung! We have decided to try to regroup and start a Monday night ride again. For those of you new to this list, our ride is a women's only ride and we have a "no-drop" policy. This means that no one will be left to ride alone, and will keep our pace comfortable. Our goal is to build cycling skills among women in a fun, non-threatening environment. Our ride will start and end at In-Competition in Green Bay.

For more information, contact me or In Competition and watch for updates on In Competition's Website @

Our first group ride will be on Monday, April 28 and we'll leave the parking lot at 5:30.

Please forward this to any other women who might be interested in this!

Melissa Dupke

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